Dead Poets Society 死亡诗社 (精讲之一)(在线收听


KEATING: "Oh Captain, My Captain" who knows where that comes from? Anybody?Not a clue? It's from a poem by Walt Whitman about Mr. Abraham Lincoln. Now in this class you can either call me Mr. Keating. Or, if you're slightly more daring, Oh Captain, My Captain. Now let me dispel a few rumors so they don't fester into facts. Yes, I too attended Welton and survived. And no, at that time I was not the mental giant you see before you. I was the intellectual equivalent of a ninety-eight pound weakling. I would go to the beach and people would kick copies of Byron in my face. Now, Mr. Pitts? That's a rather unfortunate name. Mr. Pitts, where are you? Mr. Pitts? Would you open your hymnal to page 542 and read the first stanza of the poem you find there?

PITTS: To the virgins, to make much of time? 

KEATING: Yes, that's the one. Somewhat appropriate, isn't it.

PITTS: Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, old time is still a flying, and this same flower that smiles today, tomorrow will be dying.

KEATING: Thank you Mr. Pitts. "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may." The Latin term for that sentiment is Carpe Diem. Now who knows what that means?

MEEKS: Carpe Diem. That's "seize the day".

KEATING: Very good, Mr.-

MEEKS: Meeks.

KEATING: Meeks. Another unusual name. Seize the day. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may. Why does the writer use these lines?

CHARLIE: Because he's in a hurry.

KEATING: No, ding!

KEATING: Thank you for playing anyway. Because we are food for worms, lads. Because,believe it or not, each and every one of us in this room is one day going to stop breathing, turn cold, and die.

KEATING: Now I would like you to step forward over here and peruse some of the faces from the past. You've walked past them many times. I don't think you've really looked at them. They're not that different from you, are they? Same haircuts, full of hormones, just like you. Invincible, just like you feel.The world is their oyster. They believe they're destined for great things, just like many of you. Their eyes are full of hope, just like you. Did they wait until it was too late to make from their lives even oneiotaof what they were capable? Because you see, gentlemen, these boys are now fertilizing daffodils. But if you listen real close, you can hear them whisper their legacy to you. Go on, lean in. Carpe. Hear it? Carpe. Carpe. Carpe Diem. Seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary.


1. not a clue

“毫无头绪”的意思,有时候也说成not have a clue。这是在口语里经常使用的句子,大家可以试着多多使用。
e.g. I haven't a clue what I'll give Carl for his birthday next year.

Clue me in on what's happening.
The police found a clue which will help them catch the robber.

2. Believe it or not

e.g. Believe it or not, I met a super football star this morning on the street.

在口语中还有一个句型:Can you believe it? 当说话人对自己说的话都觉得不可思议、不敢相信的时候,就可以用这个句子。比如在电影《阿甘正传》里有一句台词是:Can you believe it? I got to go to college too. (你能相信吗,我居然也上大学了。)

3. The world is their oyster.

e.g. You're young. You've got a lot of opportunity. The world is your oyster.

4. iota


Not an iota (of) 毫不,一点也不

If you say there is not an iota or not one iota of something, you are emphasizing that there is not even a very small amount of it.
e.g. 1)He's never shown an iota of interest in any kind of work.
     2)There is not an iota of truth in his story.


1. Walt Whitman (1819-1892)

American poet, whose work boldly asserts the worth of the individual and the oneness of all humanity. Whitman's defiant break with traditional poetic concerns and style exerted a major influence on American thought and literature.


2. Byron (1788-1824)

Byron, George Gordon Noel, 6th Baron Byron (1788-1824), known as Lord Byron, English poet, who was one of the most important and versatile writers of the Romantic Movement. 那象征着孤独、反抗和沉思的"拜伦式英雄"的形象最早出现在《曼弗雷德》(1817年)里。他的其它著作有《查尔德·哈洛尔德游记》(1812至1818年)、《希永的囚徒》(1816年)以及讽刺长诗《唐璜》(1819至1824年)。由于他的恋爱经历和反传统的生活方式,拜伦在当时是名誉扫地的。他死于为希腊脱离土耳其而独立所做的工作中。



在影片开始不久的这个片段里,Keating老师上的第一节课就让学生们印象深刻。我们也可以清楚地记住这个拉丁语的表达:Carpe Diem,英文的意思是seize the day。他是想让学生抓住每一天,不要虚度时光,当然不是只让他们好好学习,而是享受自己的生活,让自己的每一天都过得充实和非同凡响。这是一堂与众不同的课,也带给了学生和观众不一样的感受,我们也感同身受地希望自己能够seize the day.



1. 信不信由你,我和Mary下个月就要结婚了!
2. 我进来的时候教室里乱糟糟的,发生了什么事我是一无所知。
3. 他的故事没有一点是真的。

《BJ单身日记》2 (精讲之六)考考你 参考答案

2. 我下了车才看到他。
   The moment I stepped out of car, I saw him.
