职场英文口语 第238期:预订会场(5)(在线收听

   OK… and most importantly, how much does it cost? 好的,最重要的是要多少钱?

  Well, to book the room for 2 hours usually costs £1,000. 通常是两小时1000美元。
  The hospitality is extra but as you're a friend of Denise, I'll throw it in for nothing. 接待服务是另收费的,不过既然你是丹尼斯的朋友,我就不收费了。
  You'll throw the food and drink in? !Won't that get messy? 你要把食物和饮料扔里面?那不会很乱吗?
  No - I mean we'll provide it for free.Just don't tell anyone, otherwise everyone will expect it! 不,我的意思是免费提供。不要告诉别人,否则大家该都希望免费了!
  Well, that's fantastic Marge. Thanks. 太好了马吉,谢谢你。
  If you can send us an invoice, we'll sort payment out as soon as possible. 如果你能寄来发票,我们会尽快付款。
  Bye Anna, and tell Denise I'll see her for our Zumba class tomorrow. 再见安娜,告诉丹尼斯明天尊巴舞课上见。
  Anna has saved the day again.The launch party for the plastic aubergine can now go ahead. 安娜又挽救了大局。现在塑料茄子发布会可如期举行了。
  If you're trying to book a venue for a business meeting or product launch, here are some of the phrases you could use. 如果你想预订商务会议或产品发布会场地,下面这些短语可能会用到。