职场英文口语 第242期:尽快完成任务(3)(在线收听

   You could also say "This is our number one priority" and then delegate tasks to the team to help you get the order sorted. 你还可以说“这是我们的首要任务”,然后把工作分配给大家,让他们帮助你解决。

  Good luck!Oh thanks.Tom, I need your help. 祝你好运!谢谢。汤姆,我需要你的帮忙。
  It's the order for Nice'n'Cheesy, we need to process it urgently.The order? 有关美味奶酪店的订单,我们得赶紧处理。订单?
  I sent that out ages ago, with the paperwork. 我很早之前就送出去了,还有文书。
  You mean this paperwork Tom, on your desk? 汤姆,你指桌子上的这张纸?
  Oh no! I must have forgotten.I've had so much to do. 不是吧!我肯定是忘了。我事情太多了。
  Well, they're not happy, so we've got to pull out all the stops and get them their grapes. 好吧。他们很不高兴,所以我们要竭尽全力把葡萄送到。
  OK but what about the aubergines?Forget about the aubergines. 好的,但塑料茄子怎么办?别管塑料茄子了。
  We've got to get onto this now.It's our number one priority. 我们现在得处理这事。这是我们的第一要务。
  You go and get the plastic grapes from the warehouse, I'll sort out this paperwork, and I'll meet you downstairs in 15 minutes. 你去仓库拿塑料葡萄,我来解决文书问题。15分钟后楼下见。
  Why, where are we going?We're getting a taxi to the offices of Nice'n'Cheesy so we can hand deliver the grapes. 为什么?我们要去哪?我们打车去美味奶酪店送葡萄。
  Oh right, but isn't it nearly lunchtime?There's no time for lunch, Tom. 好的,可快到午饭时间了啊。没时间吃午饭了,汤姆。
  We need to do this now!Oh Anna, you're amazing.She certainly is! 我们得赶快解决这事!安娜,你太棒了。当然!