天真与经验之歌:第18篇 一个梦(在线收听) |
A Dream 一个梦 Once a dream did weave a shade O'er my angel-guarded bed, 一次一个梦织成一片浓阴笼罩在我那有天使守护的床顶,
That an emmet lost its way 我想我是躺在草地上
Where on grass methought I lay. 有一只蚂蚁迷失了方向。
Troubled, wildered, and forlorn, Dark, benighted, travel-worn, Over many a tangled spray, All heart-broke, I heard her say: 困惑,茫然,凄凄惨惨,天色已晚,走得疲乏不堪,有一捆捆树枝纵横交错,全然心碎,我听见她说。
'O my children! do they cry, 啊,我的孩子们!他们可在哭泣,
Do they hear their father sigh? 他们可听见他们的父亲在叹息。
Now they look abroad to see, 一会儿他们跑到外面眺望,
Now return and weep for me.' 一会儿又回来为我悲伤。
Pitying, I dropped a tear: 我落下一滴泪出于怜悯,
But I saw a glow-worm near, 但是我看见一个萤火虫走近,
Who replied, 'What wailing wight Calls the watchman of the night?' 它答腔,是那个家伙在号啕,把我这个守夜者给唤来了。
'I am set to light the ground, 我就要照亮这地面,
While the beetle goes his round: 这时甲虫开始到处转;
Follow now the beetle's hum; 现在跟着甲虫的嗡嗡声走吧,
Little wanderer, hie thee home!' 小流浪者,你快快赶回家。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/tzyjyzg/436256.html |