天真与经验之歌:第24篇 小女孩的迷失(在线收听

   The Little Girl Lost 小女孩的迷失

  In futurity, I prophesy 在未来的时日,我预先看到,宛如先知,
  That the earth from sleep 大地从睡眠中苏醒,
  (Grave the sentence deep) (把这句话牢牢记在心)
  Shall arise, and seek for her Maker meek; 将起身去寻觅她和善的上帝:
  And the desert wild 那一片荒凉的沙漠
  Become a garden mild. 将变成温暖的花园一座。
  In the southern clime, 在南方的地区
  Where the summer's prime 那里盛夏的时光,
  Never fades away, 永远不会消逝;
  Lovely Lyca lay. 可爱的丽嘉躺卧在那方。
  Seven summers old 七个夏天已度过,
  Lovely Lyca told. 可爱的丽嘉说,
  She had wandered long, 她一直在游荡
  Hearing wild birds' song. 听着那野鸟唱歌。
  'Sweet sleep, come to me, 甜蜜的睡眠来找我吧
  Underneath this tree; 就在这裸树下;
  Do father, mother, weep? 爸爸妈妈会不会流泪——
  Where can Lyca sleep? “丽嘉能在哪儿安睡?”
  'Lost in desert wild is your little child. 你们的小孩子在荒凉的沙漠中迷失。
  How can Lyca sleep 丽嘉怎么能安睡,
  If her mother weep? 若是她妈妈在流泪。
  'If her heart does ache, 若是妈妈在心疼,
  Then let Lyca wake; 那就让丽嘉仍清醒;
  If my mother sleep, 若是我的妈妈在安睡,
  Lyca shall not weep. 丽嘉也就不会流泪。
  'Frowning, frowning night, 愁苦的愁苦的黑夜啊
  O'er this desert bright 笼罩着这明亮的荒野,
  Let thy moon arise, 让你的月亮升起,
  While I close my eyes.' 当我把我的眼睛紧闭。
  Sleeping Lyca lay, 当丽嘉躺卧着安眠
  While the beasts of prey, 从深深的山洞里面
  Come from caverns deep, 许多猛兽跑出来
  Viewed the maid asleep. 观察着这熟睡的女孩。
  The kingly lion stood, 狮王站在那里
  And the virgin viewed: 观察着这个童女,
  Then he gambolled round 然后他来回跳跃嬉戏
  O'er the hallowed ground. 在这块神圣的土地:
  Leopards, tigers, play 豹子、老虎也在玩耍,
  Round her as she lay; 就在她身边围绕;
  While the lion old 这时那只年长的狮子
  Bowed his mane of gold, 垂下他那一头金色的鬃毛,
  And her bosom lick, and upon her neck, 便舔着她的胸膛,他的眼睛灼灼有光,
  From his eyes of flame, 流出红宝石般的眼泪,
  Ruby tears there came; 滴落在她的颈项上;
  While the lioness 这时母狮也来到身旁,
  Loosed her slender dress, 松开她纤细的衣裳,
  And naked they conveyed 它们把这熟睡的女孩
  To caves the sleeping maid. 赤裸裸地搬到洞里来。