英语俚语天天说 第229期:美食和身材不能兼得?(在线收听


  Part 1 Warm-it-up 热身准备
  plain /ple?n/ adj.朴素的;简单的
  I love Japanese seafood because the way they cook is very simple and the food looks so fresh and plain.
  chocolate /?t?ɑ:kl?t/ n.巧克力
  He bought a box of dark chocolate as a gift on Valentine’s day for her but she refused to accept.
  a bar of 一块;一条
  She likes having a bar of chocolate and a cup of coffee while she is reading a book.
  sugar n.糖类
  Children should not be allowed to eat too much chocolate because sugar will destroy their teeth.
  calorie /?k?l?ri/ n.卡路里(热量单位)
  A fried egg contains about 100 calories.
  fat n.脂肪
  She walks for thirty minutes to burn off body fat every night after dinner.
  caffeine /?k?fi:n/ n.咖啡因
  Don’t take too much coffee and chocolate because there’s caffeine in them.
  Part 2 Check-it-out 趁热打铁
  To eat or not? 吃还是不吃呢?
  Simple and plain /ple?n/ food is often the best but it is not always true. For many of us food is a need. For others, food is a friend. And to some others, food is an enemy /?en?mi/ .
  Let’s say you’re feeling down. You had a tough day or a fight with a best friend. You decide to treat yourself to a bar of chocolate –nothing like chocolate could cheer you up.
  But you’re getting a lot of calories /?k?l?ri/. That’s because chocolate /?t?ɑ:kl?t/ bars have much fat and sugar. They are going to take a long time to get out of your body. And caffeine /?k?fi:n/ in the chocolate will make you feel happy and relaxed for a while but it will make you feel bad when you’re getting fat.
  Part 3 takeaway 词汇小技巧 常见词性的缩略:
  n. (noun) 名词 book bread adj.(adjective) 形容词 plain long v. (verb) 动词 feel make adv. (adverb) 副词 quickly fast prep. (preposition) 介词 for in