英语俚语天天说 第248期:"奇葩的爸妈毁三观"(在线收听


  Today, while I was at home watching Netflix, my parents drunkenly stumbled through the door making out the whole time. I thought that the situation couldn't get worse. But then my dad asked me if I had a condom they could use.
  Today,my 3-year-old missed the toilet. In the time it took me to get paper towel to clean it up, my one-year-old decided it was the perfect puddle to play in.
  Today, my mother-in-law texted to wish me a happy birthday. She spelled my name wrong and it's not my birthday.
  今天,我的岳母给我发短信,祝我生日快乐。她拼错了我的名字,而且, 今天并不是我的生日。真是够了!