新东方4+1听力口语-语音语调 Unit41(在线收听

新东方4+1听力口语MP3-语音语调 Unit41

Part One 听辨练习
A. Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear ??? or ????in the word .
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
B. Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below .
1. have a _______ 6. _______sb. up
2. _______ off drugs 7. as _______as a play
3. _______ up 8. write with the left _______
4. have a _______ 9. _______ talk
5. _______a house

Part Two 跟读练习
C. Listen and repeat. Notice the sound ????and ????in the sentences .
1. A hot coal fell in the carpet.
2. Take off your coat!
3. It was a complete surprise to Mike.
4. Who is carrying the kettle?
5. Cut your coat according to your cloth. (量体裁衣)
6. Every country has its customs.
7. Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.(小事留意,大
8. Cats are covered with fur and dogs are covered with hair.
9. Let her have her cry out.
10. He has gained the character of miser.
1. Go ahead, please!
2. Grace serves as a guide for a company.
3. Don’t be pulling Meg’s leg.
4. What he has done is not legal.
5. All that glitters is not gold.
6. A good beginning makes a good ending.
7. I’m beginning to feel hungry. Give me some eggs and a big jug of beer.
8. You must be guided by your sense of what is right and just.
9. We’re expecting guests to dinner.
10. Potatoes are sold in grade, and Grade A potatoes are of the best quality.
D. Proverbs
Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success.

The golden rule of life is “making a beginning.”

E. Tongue twisters
????? Can Christmas come twice? If Christmas can come twice, when else can Christmas
  Canners can can what they can can but can not can things can’t be canned.
  The king cursed the courtiers and slapped them quickly into clink for taking
  prescriptions from a quack doctor.
????? Gracie’s great-grand-gran is greater than Gregory’s great-grand-gran is.
Part Three跟读练习
F. Read after the recorder .
Initial: cat kite coco courage chemical king kept come came cost
  guest gust groom goal glad God gun guide got get
Medial: fact election liquid liquor outskirts crucifix crucifixion critical
  precaution prefix linger linguist angle magnet again pregnant
  prefigure figure finger rigging
Final: think magic neck lock sake bark lock look wake work
  vague leg tag egg flag league jug dog pig bag
G. Sentences exercises
  Exercise 1 : Fill in the blank with the word you hear on the tape.
1. I caught my coat on a _____ in the kitchen.
2. Has she got a new _______?
3. How many _______ do you have?
4. Be careful, something is on your ______.
Exercise 2 : Complete the sentences with adverbs.
1. Helen runs as ____ as Kelly. (quick)
2. You are______ right. (exact)
3. You should enter the room ______. (quiet)
4. He is ________ amused. (great)
Exercise 3 : Complete these sentences using the words given in past tense.
1. The girl ____(greet) him eagerly.
2. He ___(pick) up the pack of cards and counted them.
3. He was _____ (catch) in the heavy rain.
4. He was _______ (accuse) of murder.
Exercise 4 : Questions and Answers
1. Where’s my door key?
In your pocket, I think.
2. Where’s my new lock?
Right here on the desk.
3. Where’s Tom’s birthday cake?
In the cupboard over there.
4. Where’s the little girl?
  She’s at the school gate.
5. What’s in her hands?
Well, a jug of milk and a bag of bananas.
H. Passage: underline the letters that sound ??? or ????.
  Walking down Oxford Street at Christmas time, you can see all kinds of exciting decorations. It was animals last year, a glass turkey wearing a ridiculous cap; a goat with a gap in its top teeth; a monkey wearing a gold coat; a duck dressed as a railway guard; a pig holding a big card—the king of clubs. When we got to Piccadilly Circus, I put my glasses back in my bag. Although it was cold, it was better than classes at school.
I. Dialogue: underline the letters that sound ??? and????.
  ⑴ A: I just got a telegram from Margaret and Greg.
  B: Are they coming to Chicago again?
  A: Yes. They’re coming the beginning of August.
  B: Oh, good! We can all get together again.
  A: I’m glad they’re coming in August. Maybe Greg and I can play some golf
  or get tickets to a baseball game.
  B: And Margaret and I can take the dog and go jogging in the park.
  A: Remember the garden party they gave when we were in England?
  B: Oh, yes. We all sat on the grass, and Margaret played the guitar and sang
  Greek songs.
  A: I had a great time. It’ll be good to see them again.
⑵ A: When the rain stops, you’ll see how beautiful the beach is.
  B: But the rain has been pouring down for two days. We’ve both caught colds.
  A: And this bedroom is too big and damp. But it’s better than a tent.(She sneezes)
  B: How unlucky! (He sneezes, too) Let’s pack our bags and go home.
J. Jingles and nursery rhymes
  ⑴ There was a young man from Quebec
  who wrapped both his legs round his neck.
  but then he forgot
  how to undo the knot,
  and now he is an absolute wreck!
  ⑵ His horse went dead and his donkey went lame,
  and he lost six cows in a poker game;
  then a hurricane came on a summer day,
  and blew down his house when he was away!
  and an earthquake came when that was gone,
  and swallowed the land that the house stood on!
  ⑶ Buttercups and kingcups and cowslips too;
  I’m picking them all for a bouquet for you.
  ⑷ “Where are you going, big pig, big pig?”
  “ I’m going to dig in the garden.”
  “ In the garden to dig! Disgraceful pig!”
  “Beg pardon, ma’am, beg pardon.”
