美国小学英语教材3:第51课 金梨(1)(在线收听

 The Golden Pears 金梨

Three boys started out to help their poor father. 三个男孩开始帮助他们贫穷的老父亲做事,
Find out why only one of the boys was able to do what his father wanted him to do. 看看为什么只有其中的一个男孩能够完成他父亲让他做的事情。
The First Basket Of Pears 第一篮梨子
There was once a poor man who had nothing in the world but three sons and a fine pear tree, which grew in front of his house. 曾经有一个穷人,他在世上一无所有,只有三个儿子和一棵长在门前的上好梨树。
One day the man said to his sons," Our king is very fond of pears. So I shall send him a fine basketful from our garden." 一天穷人跟他的儿子们说,我们的国王非常喜欢梨子,我想送给他一篮我们园子里的好梨子,
Then he gathered the best pears from the tree and packed them in a basket. 于是穷人从树上摘下了最好的梨子,把他们装到一个篮子里,
"Take these beautiful yellow pears to the king," he said to his oldest son. 把这些诱人的黄梨送给国王吧,父亲跟大儿子说,
"And be sure that you do not let anyone rob you on the way." 路上一定要小心,不要让强盗打劫你。
"I know how to take care of myself, Father," said the boy. 爸爸,我知道应该怎么照顾自己,大儿子说道。
Then he covered the pears with fresh leaves and set out for the king's palace. 于是他用新鲜的叶子盖住了梨子,开始向王宫出发。
After a time the boy came to a fountain, where he stopped to drink. 走了一段时间,大儿子来到一处水源旁,他停下来喝了点水。
A little old woman was washing some clothes at the fountain and singing a strange little song. 一位矮个子的老妇人在水源处洗衣物,她一边洗一边还唱着奇怪的小曲。
"A witch!" said the boy to himself. "She will try to get my pears, but I'll be too sly for her." 她一定是个巫婆!男孩自言自语地说,她想要夺走我的梨子,但我也不是好欺负的。