美国小学英语教材3:第53课 金梨(3)(在线收听

 The Second Basket Of Pears 第二篮梨子

After a time the father said to his other sons, "You see how lucky your older brother has been. 过了一段时间,父亲跟二儿子说,你看你的哥哥多么幸运。
He carried the fine pears safely to the king. 他将一篮上好的梨子安全的送到了国王面前。
I am sure the king was so well pleased with the fruit that he has kept your brother near him, and has made him a rich man." 我确信国王一定很喜欢那些水果,于是便把你的哥哥留在了他的身边,让他成为一个富人。
"I am as wise as my brother," said the second son. 我跟哥哥一样聪明,二儿子说。
"Give me a basket of pears, Father, and let me take it to the king. 爸爸给我一篮梨子,让我拿着梨子去见国王。
Then I shall become a rich man, too, but I won't keep my money all to myself. I will send for you to share it with me." 我也会成为一个富人的。但我不会自己独吞钱财,我会派人来接你,与我一同分享。
"Very well," answered the father. 父亲说,很好。
As the pears were just ripe again, he took another basket and filled it with the beautiful yellow fruit. 在梨子刚好又熟了的时候,他便又拿了一个篮子,装满了诱人的黄梨。
The second son took the basket, covered the pears with green leaves, and went on his way. 二儿子带着篮子上路了,篮子里的梨子用绿叶盖着。
After a while he came to the fountain that his older brother had seen. 过了一段时间,他来到了他的哥哥看到过的水源处。
The same old woman was washing some clothes at the fountain and singing her strange little song. 那位老妇人还在那里洗着一些衣服,唱着奇怪的小曲。
"A fair day, my lad," she said. "That's a heavy load you have. What is in your basket?" 小伙子,今天天气真好,他说,你提的篮子好重啊,里面装了什么?
"It's pigs' food," answered the boy. "I am taking it to market to see if I can make a penny by selling it." 是猪食。男孩回答道,我拿到市场上去看看能不能卖上钱。