美国小学英语教材3:第55课 金梨(5)(在线收听

 As the boy walked along, the day grew very hot. 男孩走着走着天变得很热。

When he reached the fountain that his brothers had seen, he stopped to take a drink and to rest. 他到了他的两个哥哥看到过的水源处,停下来要喝口水,休息一下。
The same old woman was washing her clothes and singing her strange little song. 那位老妇人还在水源那洗衣服,唱着奇怪的小曲。
"Here is another of those rude boys!" she thought, when she saw the youngest son. 看到穷人的小儿子,她想,又是一个无理的男孩。
"I suppose he will try to fool me, too. As if I didn't know the smell of ripe, yellow pears!" 我想他也会愚弄我吧,就好像我闻不到那熟透的黄梨的香味似的!
"Good-morning!" said the boy, in a pleasant voice. 早上好!男孩用悦耳的声音说道。
"He is not like the other two," thought the little old woman. 他和那两个有点不太一样,老妇人心想。
"May I sit down here, please?" asked the boy. 请问我能坐这吗?小男孩问道。
"Yes," she answered, very much surprised by his polite words. 可以。老妇人回答说,对他的彬彬有礼感到吃惊。
"And what have you in your basket? It must be something very fine for you to be carrying it on such a hot day as this." 你的篮子里装的什么?这么大热的天,你还提着它,一定是些很好的东西。
"Indeed it is very fine, " said the boy. "These are ripe pears from our garden, and my father says there are no better ones anywhere in the world. 男孩说,嗯,的确是些好东西,这些是从我们家的果园里摘的熟透了的梨子,我爸爸说世界上没有比这更好的梨子了。
I am taking them to the king, who is very fond of the fruit." 我带着它们去见国王,他非常喜欢梨子。
"Only ripe pears, and yet so heavy!" said the old woman, as she lifted the basket. 只有熟了的梨子,但是却那么重。老妇人拎了拎篮子说。
"Your load seems too heavy to be pears. But you will see when you come to your journey's end." 你的东西看起来重的不像是梨子,到了旅途终点,你就会知道里面是什么了。