美国小学英语教材3:第56课 金梨(6)(在线收听

 "They are nothing but pears," said the boy in a polite way, as he started off again. 它们只是梨子,男孩有礼貌的说道,说完他又开始赶路了。

How the servants at the palace laughed when another boy came to them with the story that he had pears for the king! 当这个男孩来到侍卫前,说他有梨子送给国王时,王宫的侍卫大笑不止!
"No, no!" they said. "We have had enough of that! You may turn around and go back home." 不,不,他们说。我们已经听够了,你可以转身回家了。
The poor boy began to weep bitterly. 可怜的男孩哭了起来,哭得很伤心。
At that moment the king and his little daughter came out of the palace. 就在那时,国王和他的小女儿从王宫出来。
When the girl saw the weeping boy, she asked the servants what the trouble was. 女孩见到哭泣的男孩,问侍卫发生了什么事。
"It is another boy who has come to fool your father, " answered the servants. 又是一个来愚弄你父王的男孩,侍卫回答。
Then they asked the king if they should take this lad away and shut him up also. 接着他们便问国王,要不要把孩子也带走关起来。
"You may decide, daughter," said the king. 女儿,你来决定吧,国王说。
"But I have pears!" cried the boy, "and my father says there are no finer ones in the world." 但我带的是梨啊,男孩哭着说,我爸爸说世界上没有比这更好的梨了。
"We know that story by heart!" cried a servant. 我们早就知道这个故事了,一个侍卫叫道。
"Please look at my pears, fair princess!" begged the boy. "I have brought them a long way for the king." 美丽的公主,请看看我的梨子吧,男孩央求道,我把它们从远方带来,想献给国王。
The princess believed what the boy said. 公主相信了男孩的话。
So she peeped under the leaves, and what do you think she saw—shining pears of pure gold! 于是她看了看叶子下面,你猜她看到了什么?闪闪发光的纯金梨。