美国小学英语教材3:第64课 汉斯和四大巨人(5)(在线收听

 "Why are you cutting those branches, young man?" he growled. 年轻人,你砍那些树枝做什么?他大声说到。

"Oh," said Hans," I meant to stick them into the ground, so that they would keep the hot sun out of your eyes." 哦,我是想把它们插在地上,这样就不会让毒辣辣的太阳光伤到你的眼睛了,汉斯说。
"Oh!" cried the great giant, sitting up. "Don't you know that my eyes are so strong that I can look the hot sun straight in the face?" 巨人坐了起来说,哦,你不知道我的眼力很好,能够直视毒辣辣的太阳吗?
"Indeed! Indeed!" said Hans. "What a wonderful giant you must be. I wish you would come with me. 当然!当然!汉斯说,你真是个很神奇的巨人,我希望你能跟我一起走。
I need your strong eyes, for I am on my way to the North Sea to find a string of pearls that lies at the bottom of the water." 我需要你的眼力,因为我要去北海找一串位于海底的珍珠。
"Well!" said the giant, "that would be an easy thing to do. I think I will go with you." 好吧,那很容易,我会跟你一走的,巨人说。
So Hans and the two great giants walked on together. 于是汉斯和两个巨人一起又继续上了路。
They had not gone more than three or four miles, when Hans saw another giant sitting under a tall tree. 没走三四英里汉斯就看到了另一个巨人,他在高高的树下坐着。
As they came up to him, the wind blew the giant's hat off his head and carried it far away. 当他们走近他的时候,一阵风把巨人的帽子从他的头上吹到了很远的地方。
"I will get it for you," cried Hans, as he started to run after the hat. 我来给你捡回来。汉斯说着便开始去追那顶帽子。