美国小学英语教材3:第67课 汉斯和四大巨人(8)(在线收听

 At once the giant told Hans what he had heard. 这个巨人马上跟汉斯说了他听到的话。

Then the giant who could run so fast, stooped down and let the boy climb upon his back. 接着跑步很快的那个巨人弯下了腰,让汉斯爬上了他的背。
Away the two went, faster than a bird can fly! 两个人走得比小鸟飞的还快。
They reached the palace in time for Hans to give the string of pearls to the king just as he and his daughter were starting for the ball room. 他们及时的赶到了王宫。就在国王和他的女儿刚刚来到舞厅的时候,汉斯把那一串珍珠交给了国王。
The king was so pleased with the pearls that he said Hans might begin working for the beautiful princess that very day. 国王拿到珍珠很高兴,他说汉斯从即日起就可以为美丽的公主效力了。
So well did Hans work that the princess learned to love him dearly, and in a year they were married. 汉斯对公主尽职尽责,慢慢的公主深深的爱上了他,不到一年他们就结了婚。
When the old king died, Ha ns was made king, and the beautiful princess became queen. 老国王去世后汉斯就成了国王,而美丽的公主成了王后。
You may be sure that Hans brought his old father and mother to his new home, and was very kind to them as long as they lived. 接下来你可以肯定的是,汉斯把他年迈的父母接到了自己的新家,孝敬他们一直到老。
He also asked his four friends, the giants, to come and live near the palace. 他还邀请他的四个巨人朋友在王官旁边住。
With their help, his country became the richest land on the earth. 在他们的帮助下,他的国家成了世界上最富有的国家。
From all over the world travelers came to visit it. 全世界的旅行者都来这里参观游览。