美国小学英语教材3:第68课 内容回顾(在线收听

 A Backward Look 内容回顾

Most of the stories you have just read can be made into plays that are very interesting. 你刚刚读到的这些故事,大部分可以改编成非常有趣的戏剧。
Choose a story that you think would make a good play. 选择一个你认为可以改编成戏剧的好故事。
Read it again and plan a way to act it. 然后将它再读一遍,拟定一个表演计划。
First make a list of the people in the story. 首先列一个故事中的人物清单。
Then, after each one, write the name of some boy or girl in your room whom you would like to have play the part. 接着你想让谁扮演这个角色,就写他或她的名字。
Think how you could dress your players so that they would look like the people in the story. 也要想想怎么打扮你的演员,让他们看起来像是故事中的人物。
Make a list of things you would need for your play, such as a basket, an ax, or a string of pearls. 再列一个你的戏剧所需要的东西的清单,比如一个篮子,一把斧子或是一串珍珠。
Plan some of the things you would want your players to do and say. 计划一下你的演员要说的和做的事情。
Choose a part for yourself and think out carefully just how you would act it. 也给自己选个角色,仔细想想自己要怎样才能演好这个角色。