绿野仙踪 第7期:遇到芒奇金人(2)(在线收听

 While she stood looking eagerly at the strange and beautiful sights,  正当她悦意地望着,那奇异美丽的景色时,

she noticed coming toward her a group of the queerest people she had ever seen. 看到了一群人向她走过来,她从未见过这么奇怪的人。
They were not as big as the grown folk she had always been used to; but neither were they small. 他们没有她所看到过的成人那么大,但也不是很小。
In fact, they seemed about as tall as Dorothy,  的确按照多萝茜的年龄,
who was a well-grown child for her age, although they were, so far as looks go, many years older. 她算是一个长得较高的孩子,然而他们似乎只有她那么高,但是从外表上看,他们的年龄却比她大得多了。
Three were men and one a woman, and all were oddly dressed. 过来的是三个男人,一个女人,都穿着奇异的衣服。
They wore round hats that rose to a small point a foot above their heads,  他们头上都戴着圆帽子,中间耸起了一个小小的尖顶,
with little bells around the brims that tinkled sweetly as they moved. 周围挂着小铃子,在他们走动时,叮噹作响非常美妙。
The hats of the men were blue; the little woman's hat was white,  男人的帽子是蓝色的。女人的帽子是白的,
and she wore a white gown that hung in pleats from her shoulders. 袍子也是白的,从肩上打着褶裥挂下来。
Over it were sprinkled little stars that glistened in the sun like diamonds. 上面的小星在阳光下闪耀着,像钻石一般。
The men were dressed in blue, of the same shade as their hats,  三个男人们都穿着蓝色的衣裳,和他们的帽子的颜色完全一样,
and wore well-polished boots with a deep roll of blue at the tops. 穿着擦得很亮的靴子,在靴子的上面缠着蓝色的绑腿布。
The men, Dorothy thought, were about as old as Uncle Henry, for two of them had beards. 多萝茜觉得这些男人和亨利叔叔的年纪差不多,因为其中两位已经有胡须了。
But the little woman was doubtless much older. 但是那小妇人无疑更年长。
Her face was covered with wrinkles, her hair was nearly white, and she walked rather stiffly. 她满脸的皱纹,满头银丝,走起路来也有几分呆板。
When these people drew near the house where Dorothy was standing in the doorway,  当他们走近了小屋时,多萝茜正站在门口,
they paused and whispered among themselves, as if afraid to come farther. 他们犹豫着,低声说着什么,好像不敢再向前迈一步。
But the little old woman walked up to Dorothy, made a low bow and said, in a sweet voice: 但是那小老妇人却走近多萝茜,恭敬地鞠了躬,用了甜美的声音说: