美国学生人类历史 第124期:穆罕默德(3)(在线收听

 In Medina, Mohammed, who was a stranger, found it easier to proclaim himself a prophet than in his home city, where every one had known him as a simple camel-driver. 在故乡麦加城,人人都知道穆罕默德是一个赶骆驼者。而在麦地那,他完全是一个陌生人,因此他作为先知的传道事业顺利了许多。

Soon he was surrounded by an increasing number of followers, or Moslems, who accepted the Islam, "the submission to the will of God," which Mohammed praised as the highest of all virtues. 不久之后,他身边便聚集起越来越多的追随者,即穆斯林,意为"顺从神旨"的信徒。而"顺从神旨"正是穆罕默德赞美的最高品德。
For seven years he preached to the people of Medina. 随着事业的发展,穆罕默德积聚了足够的力量,
Then he believed himself strong enough to begin a campaign against his former neighbours who had dared to sneer at him and his Holy Mission in his old camel-driving days. 强大到足以对那些敢于嘲笑的他本人和他的神圣使命的邻居开战了。
At the head of an army of Medinese he marched across the desert. 他率领一支麦地那人组成的军队,自己走在前头,浩浩荡荡地穿越沙漠。
His followers took Mecca without great difficulty, and having slaughtered a number of the inhabitants, 他的追随者没费多大力气就拿下麦加,并杀死了许多当地居民。
they found it quite easy to convince the others that Mohammed was really a great prophet. 这样一来,要让其他人相信穆罕默德真的是一位伟大先知,就变得相当容易了。
From that time on until the year of his death, Mohammed was fortunate in everything he undertook. 从那以后,一直到穆罕默德逝世,他所进行的一切事业都非常顺利。
There are two reasons for the success of Islam. 伊斯兰教的成功有两个主要原因。
In the first place, the creed which Mohammed taught to his followers was very simple. 首先,穆罕默德教导追随者们的教义非常简单明了。
The disciples were told that they must love Allah, the Ruler of the World, the Merciful and Compassionate. 信徒们被告知,他们必须热爱宇宙的主宰,仁慈而怜悯的神安拉。
They must honour and obey their parents. 他们必须敬奉父母,顺从父母的命令。
They were warned against dishonesty in dealing with their neighbours and were admonished to be humble and charitable, to the poor and to the sick. 他们在交往时不得欺诈邻居,要温 顺谦卑,对穷人和病人乐善好施。
Finally they were ordered to abstain from strong drink and to be very frugal in what they ate. 最后,禁止饮用烈酒,在吃用方面不得奢侈浪费。
That was all. There were no priests, who acted as shepherds of their flocks and asked that they be supported at the common expense. 就是这些。伊斯兰教里没有像基督教的"看护羊群的牧人",即那些需要众人掏腰包供养的教士和主教们。