美国学生人类历史 第156期:十字军东征(5)(在线收听

 Of course, it would never do to say this openly. 当然,谁也不会把这些情绪公开流露出来。

But when the Crusader returned home, he was likely to imitate the manners which he had learned from his heathenish foe, compared to whom the average western knight was still a good deal of a country bumpkin. 可一旦十字军战士有机会重返故里,他们便可能模仿刚从异教徒敌人那里学来的新奇迷人的优雅举止。与这些雍容优雅的东方敌人相比,欧洲骑士不过是乡下老粗。
He also brought with him several new food-stuffs, such as peaches and spinach which he planted in his garden and grew for his own benefit. 十字军战士还从东方带回来几种异国的植物种子,比如桃子和菠菜,种进自己的菜园里,不仅可以换换餐桌的口味,还能拿到市场出售。
He gave up the barbarous custom of wearing a load of heavy armour 他们抛弃披挂厚重铠甲的粗野习俗,
and appeared in the flowing robes of silk or cotton which were the traditional habit of the followers of the Prophet and were originally worn by the Turks. 转而模仿伊斯兰教徒及土耳其人的样子,穿起了丝绸或棉制的飘逸长袍。
Indeed the Crusades, which had begun as a punitive expedition against the Heathen, became a course of general instruction in civilisation for millions of young Europeans. 事实上,十字军运动最初是作为惩罚异教徒的宗教远征,到后来却变成了对成百万欧洲青年进行文明启蒙的教育课,其间的沧桑真的是耐人寻味。
From a military and political point of view the Crusades were a failure. 从政治和军事观点来看,十字军东征是一场彻底的失败。
Jerusalem and a number of cities were taken and lost. 耶路撒冷及其它小亚细亚的诸多城市失而复得,得而复失。
A dozen little kingdoms were established in Syria and Palestine and Asia Minor, 虽然十字军曾在叙利亚、巴勒斯坦及小亚细亚建立起一系列小型的基督教王国,
but they were re-conquered by the Turks and after the year 1244 (when Jerusalem became definitely Turkish) the status of the Holy Land was the same as it had been before 1095. 可它们最终一一为土耳其人重新征服。到公元1244年,耶路撒冷仍稳稳控制在穆斯林手中,变成了一个完全土耳其化的城市。圣地的状况和公元1095年之前相比并未发生任何变化。
But Europe had undergone a great change. 不过,欧洲却因十字军运动经历了一场深刻的变革。
The people of the west had been allowed a glimpse of the light and the sunshine and the beauty of the east. 西方人民得以有机会一瞥东方文明的灿烂与优美。
Their dreary castles no longer satisfied them. They wanted a broader life. 这使得他们不再满足于阴沉乏味的城堡生活,转而寻求更宽广、更富活力的生活。
Neither Church nor State could give this to them. They found it in the cities. 这是教会和封建国家都无法给予他们的。这种生活,他们在城市里找到了。