减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第149期:犒赏自己(在线收听

 Unit 149: Reward yourself 第149单元:犒赏自己

Take yourself to the movies.Buy yourself a present.Get a haircut or a facial. 看场电影、买个礼物给自己、去剪发或做个面部按摩来犒赏自己吧。
Although exercise offers its own intrinsic rewards, 虽然运动本身就是一项奖赏,
giving yourself a special reward as you go along-when you've made your first mile-long run straight through without stopping,for instance, 但是,举例来说吧,当你第一次一口气跑完一英里
or gone to the health club three months in a row is a way of taking good care of yourself. 或连续三个月都到健身中心报到时,可以给自己一个特别的奖赏,这是善待自己的一种方式。
Just don't reward yourself with food! 但不管怎样,就是别用食物奖赏你自己。