冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1173期:第五十六章 丹妮莉丝(8)(在线收听

 Afterward, Dany sent them all away, so she might prepare Khal Drogo for his final ride into the night lands. 在这之后,丹妮把她们都遣走,亲自帮卓戈卡奥准备前往夜晚国度的最后一趟旅程。

She washed his body clean and brushed and oiled his hair, 她洗净他的身体,梳理他的头发,并为之搽上香油。
running her fingers through it for the last time, feeling the weight of it, 她最后一次伸手滑过他的头发,感觉到它们的重量,
remembering the first time she had touched it, the night of their wedding ride. 想起新婚当晚自己初次碰触的情景。
His hair had never been cut. How many men could die with their hair uncut? 他的头发从未修剪,有多少死者有如此殊荣呢?
She buried her face in it and inhaled the dark fragrance of the oils. 她把脸深埋其中,吸进发油朦胧的芳香。
He smelled like grass and warm earth, like smoke and semen and horses. He smelled like Drogo. 他闻起来有青草和大地的感觉,有轻烟、精液和骏马的气息,他闻起来有卓戈的味道。
Forgive me, sun of my life, she thought. Forgive me for all I have done and all I must do. 我生命中的太阳,请你原谅我,她想,原谅我所做的一切,以及我必须做的一切。
I paid the price, my star, but it was too high, too high... 我的星星,我付出了代价,可这个代价实在太高、太高了……
Dany braided his hair and slid the silver rings onto his mustache and hung his bells one by one. 丹妮为他扎起发辫,把银环穿上他的胡子,又把铃铛一个个系在他发梢。
So many bells, gold and silver and bronze. 这么多铃铛,其中有金、银,还有青铜,
Bells so his enemies would hear him coming and grow weak with fear. 这些铃铛将向他的敌人宣告他的到来,令他们胆怯害怕。
She dressed him in horsehair leggings and high boots, buckling a belt heavy with gold and silver medallions about his waist. 她为他穿上马鬃绑腿和高统长靴,在他腰间系上一条满是金银奖牌的沉重皮带。
Over his scarred chest she slipped a painted vest, old and faded, the one Drogo had loved best. 最后,她为他穿上彩绘背心,遮住胸膛的伤疤,这背心虽然老旧褪色,却是他最喜欢的一件。
For herself she chose loose sandsilk trousers, sandals that laced halfway up her legs, and a vest like Drogo's. 至于自己,她选了一件宽松的沙丝长裤,一双绑到膝盖的凉鞋,以及和卓戈穿的相似的背心。