冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1175期:第五十六章 丹妮莉丝(10)(在线收听

 As she climbed down off the pyre, she noticed Mirri Maz Duur watching her. 从火葬台上爬下来时,她注意到弥丽·马兹·笃尔注视着自己。

"You are mad," the godswife said hoarsely. “你疯了。”女祭司嘶声道。
Is it so far from madness to wisdom? Dany asked. "Sir Jorah, take this maegi and bind her to the pyre." “疯狂与智慧,真有那么大差别吗?”丹妮问,“乔拉爵士,将这巫魔女绑上火葬台。”
To the... my queen, no, hear me... “绑上火……不,女王陛下,请您听我说……”
Do as I say. Still he hesitated, until her anger flared. “照我的话去做,”看他依旧犹豫不决,终于燃起了她的熊熊怒火。
"You swore to obey me, whatever might come. Rakharo, help him." “你不是宣誓奉行我的意旨,至死不渝么?拉卡洛,你来帮他。”
The godswife did not cry out as they dragged her to Khal Drogo's pyre and staked her down amidst his treasures. 于是女祭司被他俩拖到卓戈卡奥的火葬台上,跟他的宝物绑在一起。她没有叫喊。
Dany poured the oil over the woman's head herself. 丹妮亲自将香油倒在那女人头上。
"I thank you, Mirri Maz Duur," she said, "for the lessons you have taught me." “我感谢你,弥丽·马兹·笃尔,”她说,“感谢你教会我的一切。”
You will not hear me scream, Mirri responded as the oil dripped from her hair and soaked her clothing. “你绝不会听见我的哀嚎。”弥丽回答。香油从她的发际流下,渗进衣服。
I will, Dany said, "but it is not your screams I want, only your life. “不,我会的,”丹妮说,“但我要的不是你的哀嚎,而是你的生命。
I remember what you told me. Only death can pay for life." 我记得你曾对我说:惟有死亡方能换取生命。”
Mirri Maz Duur opened her mouth, but made no reply. 弥丽·马兹·笃尔张口欲言,但最后还是没有答话。
As she stepped away, Dany saw that the contempt was gone from the maegi's flat black eyes; in its place was something that might have been fear. 丹妮步下火葬台,发现巫魔女那双平板黑眼里的轻蔑已经不见,取而代之的是近似恐惧的神色。
Then there was nothing to be done but watch the sun and look for the first star. 能做的都已经做了,接下来就是等待太阳落幕,群星现身。