英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第26期:打开的书(7)(在线收听

 For the rest of the lunch hour I very carefully kept my eyes at my own table. 午饭剩下来的时间,我都非常小心地把目光一直放在自己桌上。

I decided to honor the bargain I'd made with myself. 我决定尊重我跟自己达成的那个协议。
Since he didn't look angry, I would go to Biology. 既然他看上去不生气,我就去上生物学。
My stomach did frightened little flips at the thought of sitting next to him again. 一想到又要坐到他的旁边,我的胃,的的确确可怕地翻腾了几下。
I didn't really want to walk to class with Mike as usual—he seemed to be a popular target for the snowball snipers— 我并不想像往常那样跟迈克一起去上课——他似乎是雪球狙击手们喜欢的目标
but when we went to the door, everyone besides me groaned in unison. 不过我们走到门口时,除了我以外,大家都不约而同地唉声叹气。
It was raining, washing all traces of the snow away in clear, icy ribbons down the side of the walkway. 天下雨了,把所有的积雪都冲刷一空,像一根明净、冰冷的缎带似的顺着人行道流走了。
I pulled my hood up, secretly pleased. 我把帽兜拉了上来,心中窃喜。
I would be free to go straight home after Gym. 下了体育课,我可以直接回家去喽。
Mike kept up a string of complaints on the way to building four. 迈克在去4号楼的路上一直抱怨个没完。
Once inside the classroom, I saw with relief that my table was still empty. 进了教室后,我看见我的桌子还空着,舒了一口气。
Mr. Banner was walking around the room, distributing one microscope and box of slides to each table. 班纳先生正在教室里来回走动,在给每张桌子发一个显微镜和一盒玻璃片。
Class didn't start for a few minutes, and the room buzzed with conversation. 课还没开始上,还要过几分钟,教室里嗡声一片。
I kept my eyes away from the door, doodling idly on the cover of my notebook. 我克制着不往门口的方向看,漫不经心地在笔记本的封面上乱涂一气。
I heard very clearly when the chair next to me moved, but my eyes stayed carefully focused on the pattern I was drawing. 旁边的椅子挪动时,我听得非常真切,但我的目光依旧小心地集中在手头正在画的图案上。
"Hello," said a quiet, musical voice. "你好,"一个轻轻的、悦耳的声音说道。
I looked up, stunned that he was speaking to me. 我抬起了头,惊呆了,他在跟我说话。
He was sitting as far away from me as the desk allowed, but his chair was angled toward me. 他坐得离我远远的,只差没坐到桌子外边去了,不过他椅子的一角冲着我。
His hair was dripping wet, disheveled—even so, he looked like he'd just finished shooting a commercial for hair gel. 他的头发湿得滴水,凌乱得很——即使这样,他看上去也像刚刚拍完发胶广告似的。
His dazzling face was friendly, open, a slight smile on his flawless lips. 他那张光彩夺目的脸,友好而又单纯,完美无瑕的两片嘴唇上挂着一丝淡淡的笑意。
But his eyes were careful. 不过他的目光里却充满了谨慎。
"My name is Edward Cullen," he continued. "我叫爱德华·卡伦,"他继续说道,
"I didn't have a chance to introduce myself last week. You must be Bella Swan." "上个星期没机会向你作自我介绍。你肯定是贝拉·斯旺。"
My mind was spinning with confusion. 我有点晕头转向了。
Had I made up the whole thing? 难道整个这件事都是我凭空想出来的?
He was perfectly polite now. 此刻,他是礼貌得没法说了。
I had to speak; he was waiting. 我得说话;他在等待。
But I couldn't think of anything conventional to say. 但是我想不出任何的客套话。
"H-how do you know my name?" I stammered. "你——你是怎么知道我的名字的?"我结结巴巴地说道。
He laughed a soft, enchanting laugh. 他露出一个温柔而又迷人的笑容。
"Oh, I think everyone knows your name. "噢,我想每个人都知道你的名字。
The whole town's been waiting for you to arrive." 全镇的人都在盼着你的到来。"
I grimaced. I knew it was something like that. 我做了个鬼脸。我知道事实也差不多是这样子。
"No," I persisted stupidly. "I meant, why did you call me Bella?" "不,"我傻傻地追问,"我的意思是说,你怎么叫我贝拉?"
He seemed confused. "Do you prefer Isabella?" 他似乎被我问蒙了:"你喜欢叫你伊萨贝拉?"
"No, I like Bella," I said. "不,我喜欢人家叫我贝拉,"我说,
"But I think Charlie—I mean my dad—must call me Isabella behind my back—that's what everyone here seems to know me as," "不过我想查理——我是说我爸爸——肯定背着我叫我伊萨贝拉——这里的每个人似乎都知道我叫这个名字,"
I tried to explain, feeling like an utter moron. 我试图解释,感觉自己像个十足的低能儿。
"Oh." He let it drop. I looked away awkwardly. "哦。"他放下了这个话题。我尴尬地望到一边去了。
Thankfully, Mr. Banner started class at that moment. 谢天谢地,就在这时,班纳先生开始上课了。
I tried to concentrate as he explained the lab we would be doing today. 我努力集中精力听他讲我们今天要做的实验。
The slides in the box were out of order. 盒子里的玻璃片的顺序是打乱了的。
Working as lab partners, we had to separate the slides of onion root tip cells into the phases of mitosis they represented and label them accordingly. 作为实验伙伴,我们得把洋葱根尖细胞的玻璃片按照它们所代表的有丝分裂阶段分开,并把相应的阶段标出来。
We weren't supposed to use our books. 不允许我们看书。
In twenty minutes, he would be coming around to see who had it right. 20分钟后,他将来回检查,看谁做得正确。
"Get started," he commanded. "开始,"他吩咐道。