英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第27期:打开的书(8)(在线收听

 "Ladies first, partner?" Edward asked.  "搭档,女士优先?"爱德华问。

I looked up to see him smiling a crooked smile so beautiful that I could only stare at him like an idiot.  我抬头看见他一脸坏笑,可笑得是那样的好看,害得我只能像个白痴似的盯着他瞅。
"Or I could start, if you wish."  "要不我先来,如果你愿意的话。"
The smile faded; he was obviously wondering if I was mentally competent.  笑意逐渐消失了;他显然是想知道我的智力是不是能够胜任这个问题。
"No," I said, flushing. "I'll go ahead."  "不,"我红着脸说道,"我先来。"
I was showing off, just a little.  我这是在卖弄,不过也就一点点吧。
I'd already done this lab, and I knew what I was looking for.  我早就做过这个试验了,知道我要找的东西。
It should be easy.  应该很容易。
I snapped the first slide into place under the microscope and adjusted it quickly to the 40X objective.  我啪的一声把第一张玻璃片放到了显微镜下面合适的位置,并迅速调整到了40倍物镜。
I studied the slide briefly.  我简短地看了一下玻璃片。
My assessment was confident. "Prophase."  我对自己的估计很有信心:"前期。"
"Do you mind if I look?" he asked as I began to remove the slide.  "可以让我看一下吗?"我准备把玻璃片拿开时,他说了一句。
His hand caught mine, to stop me, as he asked.  说这话的时候,他的手抓住了我的手,不让我拿。
His fingers were ice-cold, like he'd been holding them in a snowdrift before class.  他的五指冰凉,仿佛上课前一直插在雪堆里似的。
But that wasn't why I jerked my hand away so quickly.  但那还不是我把手猛一下子抽出来的原因。
When he touched me, it stung my hand as if an electric current had passed through us.  他碰我的时候,把我的手扎了一下,就像一股电流从我俩身上穿过去了似的。
"I'm sorry," he muttered, pulling his hand back immediately.  "对不起,"他喃喃道,马上把手缩了回去。
However, he continued to reach for the microscope.  不过,他还是继续去够显微镜。
I watched him, still staggered, as he examined the slide for an even shorter time than I had.  他察看玻璃片的时候——时间比我的还要短——我看着他,心还在跳。
"Prophase," he agreed, writing it neatly in the first space on our worksheet.  "是前期,"他同意我的判断,并在我们的活页练习题的第一个空白处工整地记下来了。
He swiftly switched out the first slide for the second, and then glanced at it cursorily.  他迅速将第一块玻璃片拿走,换上了第二块,然后好奇地瞅了一眼。
"Anaphase," he murmured, writing it down as he spoke.  "后期,"他低声说道,边说边记了下来。
I kept my voice indifferent. "May I?"  我尽力保持我的语调如常,"我可以看一下吗?"
He smirked and pushed the microscope to me.  他得意地笑了一下,把显微镜推给了我。
I looked through the eyepiece eagerly, only to be disappointed. Dang it, he was right.  我急切地把眼睛对准了目镜,结果很失望。该死,他没弄错。
"Slide three?" I held out my hand without looking at him.  "第三块呢?"我伸出了手,连看都没看他一眼。
He handed it to me; it seemed like he was being careful not to touch my skin again.  他递给了我;看上去他好像很小心,生怕再一次碰到我的皮肤。
I took the most fleeting look I could manage.  我以最快的速度看了一眼。
"Interphase." I passed him the microscope before he could ask for it.  "间期。"他还没来得及要,我就把显微镜递给了他。
He took a swift peek, and then wrote it down.  他快速地扫了一眼,便记下了。
I would have written it while he looked, but his clear, elegant script intimidated me.  他看的时候我本来可以记的,但他那一手秀丽、优美的字把我吓得不敢班门弄斧了。
I didn't want to spoil the page with my clumsy scrawl.  我不想我那笨拙不堪的鬼画符把作业纸给毁了。
We were finished before anyone else was close.  在所有的小组都还没头绪的时候,我们第一个完成了实验。
I could see Mike and his partner comparing two slides again and again, and another group had their book open under the table.  我看见迈克和他的搭档拿着两块玻璃片在那里比来比去,另外一组则在桌子下面翻着书。
Which left me with nothing to do but try to not look at him… unsuccessfully.  这让我无事可做了,惟一可做的就是努力不去看他……结果还是没忍住。
I glanced up, and he was staring at me, that same inexplicable look of frustration in his eyes.  我抬头瞥了一眼,而他正盯着我看,眼神还跟原来一样,充满了莫明其妙的失望之情。
Suddenly I identified that subtle difference in his face.  我突然发现他脸上的微妙差异。
"Did you get contacts?" I blurted out unthinkingly.  "你戴了隐形眼镜?"我想都没想就冒出这么一句话。
He seemed puzzled by my unexpected question. "No."  他似乎让我这出乎意料的问题给问蒙了:"没有。"
"Oh," I mumbled. "I thought there was something different about your eyes."  "噢,"我咕哝道,"我觉得你的眼睛有什么地方不一样了。"
He shrugged, and looked away.  他耸了耸肩,望到一边去了。
In fact, I was sure there was something different.  实际上,我敢肯定有什么地方变了。
I vividly remembered the flat black color of his eyes the last time he'd glared at me—  我清清楚楚地记得,上次他瞪我那一眼的时候,两眼是百分之百的黑色
the color was striking against the background of his pale skin and his auburn hair. 和他苍白的皮肤及赤褐色的头发形成了极为明显的反差。
Today, his eyes were a completely different color: a strange ocher, darker than butterscotch, but with the same golden tone.  今天,他的双眼完全是不同的颜色:一种怪怪的浅橘黄色,比淡棕色要深一点,但却有着同样的金色调。
I didn't understand how that could be, unless he was lying for some reason about the contacts. 我不明白这怎么可能,除非他出于某种原因,不承认自己戴了隐形眼镜。
Or maybe Forks was making me crazy in the literal sense of the word.  要不可能就是福克斯使得我成了真正的疯子了。
I looked down. His hands were clenched into hard fists again.  我垂下了头。他的双手又使劲地攥成了坚硬的拳头了。