英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第36期:第三章 现象(6)(在线收听

 "You owe me an explanation," I reminded him.  "你欠我一个解释。"我提醒他。

"I saved your life — I don't owe you anything." "我救了你的命——我啥也不欠你的。" 
I flinched back from the resentment in his voice.  他语气里充满了愤懑,把我吓得一退:
"You promised."  "你保证过的。"
"Bella, you hit your head, you don't know what you're talking about."  "贝拉,你撞了头,不知道自己在说些什么。"
His tone was cutting.  他的腔调很刺人。
My temper flared now, and I glared defiantly at him.  这时我的脾气也上来了,蔑视地盯着他:
"There's nothing wrong with my head."  "我的脑子一点儿问题都没有。"
He glared back.  他对我也是怒目以对:
"What do you want from me, Bella?"  "你想从我这儿得到什么,贝拉?"
"I want to know the truth," I said.  "我想知道真相,"我说,
"I want to know why I'm lying for you."  "我想知道我干吗要替你撒谎。"
"What do you think happened?" he snapped.  "那你以为发生了什么?"他厉声喝问。
It came out in a rush.  我憋在心里的话像泄了闸的水,一涌而出了。
"All I know is that you weren't anywhere near me — Tyler didn't see you, either, so don't tell me I hit my head too hard.  "我就知道你当时根本就不在我身边——泰勒也没看见你,所以别跟我说什么我的头撞得很重。
That van was going to crush us both — and it didn't, and your hands left dents in the side of it —  那辆客货两用车眼看就要把你我辗成肉饼了——结果呢,没有,你的双手在它的侧边留下了一道凹痕——
and you left a dent in the other car, and you're not hurt at all —  而且另一辆车上也留下了你的印痕,而你却毫发无损——
and the van should have smashed my legs, but you were holding it up…"  客货两用车本可以把我的双腿辗得粉碎的,可你把它举起来了……"
I could hear how crazy it sounded, and I couldn't continue.  我自己听了似乎都觉得荒唐至极,没法往下说了。
I was so mad I could feel the tears coming;  我气得不行,觉得眼泪都快出来了;
I tried to force them back by grinding my teeth together.  我咬紧牙关竭力忍住了。
He was staring at me incredulously. But his face was tense, defensive.  他以怀疑的目光盯着我。但他的脸色很紧张,急于为自己辩护。
"You think I lifted a van off you?"  "你认为我把一辆压着你的客货两用车举起来了?"
His tone questioned my sanity, but it only made me more suspicious.  他的语气是在怀疑我是否精神正常,但这只是令我更加怀疑了。
It was like a perfectly delivered line by a skilled actor.  他的话就像一个炉火纯青的演员背得滚瓜烂熟的一句台词。
I merely nodded once, jaw tight.  我只点了一下头,下巴绷得紧紧的。
"Nobody will believe that, you know."  "谁也不会信的,你知道的啵。"
His voice held an edge of derision now.  这时他的话里带了一丝嘲弄。
"I'm not going to tell anybody."  "我不会告诉任何人的。"
I said each word slowly, carefully controlling my anger.  我一字一顿地说道,强按住心头的怒火。
Surprise flitted across his face.  他脸上掠过一丝惊讶:
"Then why does it matter?"  "那你说说,这事儿干吗就这么要紧?"
"It matters to me," I insisted.  "对我来说很要紧,"我坚持道,
"I don't like to lie — so there'd better be a good reason why I'm doing it."  "我不喜欢撒谎——所以最好有个理由能解释我干吗在跟人家撒谎。"
"Can't you just thank me and get over it?"  "你就不能把这事儿忘了,谢我一声吗?"
"Thank you." I waited, fuming and expectant.  "谢谢你。"我等候着,既怒气冲冲,又满怀期待。
"You're not going to let it go, are you?" "No."  "你不打算让这事儿过去算了,是不是?""没错。"
"In that case… I hope you enjoy disappointment."  "那样的话……你就好好地等着失望吧。"
We scowled at each other in silence.  我们默默地怒视着对方。
I was the first to speak, trying to keep myself focused.  是我先开的口,目的是为了让自己精力集中,
I was in danger of being distracted by his livid, glorious face.  因为我的注意力时刻面临着被他那张气得发青,却又令人愉快的脸分散的危险。
It was like trying to stare down a destroying angel.  这情形就如同努力把一个催魂天使盯得不敢跟你对视一样。
"Why did you even bother?" I asked frigidly.  "那你干吗还要费那个劲呢?"我冷冷地问道。
He paused, and for a brief moment his stunning face was unexpectedly vulnerable.  他顿了一会儿,然后有那么短暂的一瞬,他那张漂亮至极的脸,出人意料地脆弱了。
"I don't know," he whispered.  "我不知道,"他低声说道。
And then he turned his back on me and walked away.  然后他转过身去,走了。
I was so angry, it took me a few minutes until I could move.  我都气晕了,好几分钟不能动弹。
When I could walk, I made my way slowly to the exit at the end of the hallway.  可以动步以后,我慢吞吞地走到了过道尽头的出口。
The waiting room was more unpleasant than I'd feared.  候诊室比我担心得还要糟糕。
It seemed like every face I knew in Forks was there, staring at me.  似乎我在福克斯认识的每一副面孔都在那里,直盯盯地看着我。
Charlie rushed to my side; I put up my hands.  查理冲到了我身边;我举起了双手。
"There's nothing wrong with me," I assured him sullenly.  "我一点事儿也没有,"我绷着脸跟他说。
I was still aggravated, not in the mood for chitchat.  我的火还没消,没有心情聊天。
"What did the doctor say?"  "大夫怎么说?"
"Dr. Cullen saw me, and he said I was fine and I could go home." "卡伦大夫看的,他说我没事儿,可以回家。"
I sighed. Mike and Jessica and Eric were all there, beginning to converge on us.  我叹息道。迈克、杰西卡和埃里克都在,过来跟我们会合了。
"Let's go," I urged.  "咱们走吧,"我催促道。
Charlie put one arm behind my back, not quite touching me, and led me to the glass doors of the exit.  查理把一只手臂放在了我的背后,没有完全碰到我的身体,引着我朝出口的玻璃门走去。
I waved sheepishly at my friends, hoping to convey that they didn't need to worry anymore.  我腼腆地朝朋友们挥了挥手,希望向他们传达不必再担心了的意思。
It was a huge relief— the first time I'd ever felt that way — to get into the cruiser.  坐进巡逻车真是一种巨大的安慰——我平生第一次有这样的感觉。
We drove in silence.  我们默默行驶着。
I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I barely knew Charlie was there.  我全神贯注地想着问题,几乎把身边的查理给忘了。
I was positive that Edward's defensive behavior in the hall was a confirmation of the bizarre things I still could hardly believe I'd witnessed.  我确信爱德华在过道里的辩护行为恰好证实了我亲眼目睹的那些不可思议的事情,虽然至今仍不敢相信。
When we got to the house, Charlie finally spoke.  我们到家时,查理终于开口了。
"Um... you'll need to call Renée." He hung his head, guilty.  "唔……你得给蕾妮去个电话。"他愧疚地垂下了头。
I was appalled. "You told Mom!" "Sorry."  我吓坏了:"你告诉妈了!""对不起。"
I slammed the cruiser's door a little harder than necessary on my way out.  我从巡逻车下来后,砰地一声摔上了车门,力气稍稍使大了一点儿。
My mom was in hysterics, of course.  我妈自然是歇斯底里了。
I had to tell her I felt fine at least thirty times before she would calm down.  我起码得跟她说上三十遍我没事儿,她才会冷静下来。
She begged me to come home — forgetting the fact that home was empty at the moment — but her pleas were easier to resist than I would have thought.  她恳求我回家去——忘掉家里暂时没人这件事——不过她的请求比我想象的要容易拒绝。
I was consumed by the mystery Edward presented.  我已经被爱德华带来的神秘弄得精疲力竭了,
And more than a little obsessed by Edward himself.  而且更有一点被他这个人给迷住了。
Stupid, stupid, stupid.  愚蠢,愚蠢,愚蠢。
I wasn't as eager to escape Forks as I should be, as any normal, sane person would be.  我不渴望着逃离福克斯了,离开这个我本应该避而远之的地方,就像任何正常的神志清醒的人那样。
I decided I might as well go to bed early that night.  那天晚上,我决定不妨早点儿上床睡觉。
Charlie continued to watch me anxiously, and it was getting on my nerves.  查理依旧不安地看着我,看得我都有些发毛了。
I stopped on my way to grab three Tylenol from the bathroom.  我去卧室的中途停了下来,从卫生间抓了三颗泰诺。
They did help, and, as the pain eased, I drifted to sleep.  还确实管用,很快就止疼了,我不知不觉就睡着了。
That was the first night I dreamed of Edward Cullen.  那是我第一夜梦见爱德华·卡伦。