英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第38期:第四章 邀请(2)(在线收听

 I wanted very much to talk to him, and the day after the accident I tried.  我很想跟他谈谈,而且事故发生的当天我就试过了。

The last time I'd seen him, outside the ER, we'd both been so furious.  我最后一次见到他的时候,在急救室的外面,我俩都是那样的愤怒。
I still was angry that he wouldn't trust me with the truth, even though I was keeping my part of the bargain flawlessly.  即使我一直说到做到,无可挑剔,可他还是不信任我,不告诉我真相,这一点我依然很生气。
But he had in fact saved my life, no matter how he'd done it.  不过他确实救过我一条命,无论他是怎样救的。
And, overnight, the heat of my anger faded into awed gratitude.  一夜过后,我的火气消了不说,还生出了肃然的感激之情。
He was already seated when I got to Biology, looking straight ahead.  我去上生物学的时候,他已经坐在座位上了,眼睛盯着正前方。
I sat down, expecting him to turn toward me.  我坐下了,希望他会转过来脸来,
He showed no sign that he realized I was there.  可他丝毫没有流露出知道我在旁边的表情。
"Hello, Edward," I said pleasantly, to show him I was going to behave myself.  "喂,爱德华,"我和颜悦色地叫了他一声,想让他知道我心平气和了。
He turned his head a fraction toward me without meeting my gaze, nodded once, and then looked the other way.  他的脸往我这边扭了一丁点儿,没有和我的目光相遇,点了一下头,然后又望到一边去了。
And that was the last contact I'd had with him, though he was there, a foot away from me, every day.  那便是我跟他的最后一次接触,虽然他每天都坐在我旁边,距我仅咫尺之遥。
I watched him sometimes, unable to stop myself— from a distance, though, in the cafeteria or parking lot.  不过,有时在自助餐厅或停车场,我还是会情不自禁地从远处注视他。
I watched as his golden eyes grew perceptibly darker day by day.  我注意到他金色的双眸明显地一天比一天暗了。
But in class I gave no more notice that he existed than he showed toward me.  但上课的时候,我也不太注意他的存在,他注意我多少,我就注意他多少,决不比他多。
I was miserable.  我真是可怜。
And the dreams continued.  而梦仍在继续。
Despite my outright lies, the tenor of my e-mails alerted Renée to my depression, and she called a few times, worried.  虽然我在电子邮件中写的全是彻头彻尾的谎话,但蕾妮还是从中隐约觉察出了我的消沉,她还来过几次电话,很是担心。
I tried to convince her it was just the weather that had me down.  我想了很多办法,力图让她相信我情绪低落,纯粹是天气造成的。
Mike, at least, was pleased by the obvious coolness between me and my lab partner.  我和实验搭档之间明显的冷淡,至少令迈克很高兴。
I could see he'd been worried that Edward's daring rescue might have impressed me,  我看得出他一直担心爱德华的英勇相救可能会感动我,
and he was relieved that it seemed to have the opposite effect.  而现在他放心了,结果似乎适得其反。
He grew more confident, sitting on the edge of my table to talk before Biology class started,  他越来越自信了,生物学上课之前总要坐在我桌子边上聊,
ignoring Edward as completely as he ignored us.  根本就不把爱德华放在眼里,就像他根本不把我们放在眼里一样。
The snow washed away for good after that one dangerously icy day.  自那个危险的冰天之后,雪彻底给冲没了。
Mike was disappointed he'd never gotten to stage his snowball fight, but pleased that the beach trip would soon be possible.  迈克很失望没能组织起他的那场雪仗,但他还是很高兴,因为很快就可以去海滩旅游了。
The rain continued heavily, though, and the weeks passed.  不过雨依然很大,几周就这样过去了。
Jessica made me aware of another event looming on the horizon —  杰西卡让我了解到了另一个即将到来的活动——
she called the first Tuesday of March to ask my permission to invite Mike to the girls' choice spring dance in two weeks.  她在三月的第一个星期四打了个电话给我,请我允许她邀请迈克参加两周后的女生择伴春季舞会。
"Are you sure you don't mind… you weren't planning to ask him?"  "你肯定你不会介意吗……你不打算邀请他?"
she persisted when I told her I didn't mind in the least.  我告诉她我一点儿都不介意后,她追问了一句。
"No, Jess, I'm not going," I assured her.  "不打算,杰西,我不准备参加舞会,"
Dancing was glaringly outside my range of abilities.  我给她吃了一颗定心丸。我最不擅长的就是跳舞了。
"It will be really fun."  "真的会很好玩儿的。"
Her attempt to convince me was halfhearted.  她半心半意地劝我。
I suspected that Jessica enjoyed my inexplicable popularity more than my actual company.  我怀疑杰西卡喜欢跟我在一起,更多的是喜欢我那莫名其妙的人气,而不是喜欢我这个人。
"You have fun with Mike," I encouraged.  "你跟迈克去好好玩儿吧,"我鼓励道。
The next day, I was surprised that Jessica wasn't her usual gushing self in Trig and Spanish.  第二天,我惊讶地发现杰西卡上三角和西班牙语课时不像平时那样滔滔不绝了。
She was silent as she walked by my side between classes, and I was afraid to ask her why.  她课间走在我旁边的时候一声没吭,我也没敢问她原因。
If Mike had turned her down, I was the last person she would want to tell.  要是迈克拒绝了她,她告诉谁也不会告诉我的。
My fears were strengthened during lunch when Jessica sat as far from Mike as possible, chatting animatedly with Eric.  我的担心进一步加剧了,因为吃午饭的时候,杰西卡尽可能地坐得离迈克远远的,跟埃里克聊得起劲得很。
Mike was unusually quiet.  迈克非同寻常的安静。
Mike was still quiet as he walked me to class, the uncomfortable look on his face a bad sign.  跟我一起去上课的路上,迈克依旧沉默寡言,他脸上不自在的表情可不是个好兆头。
But he didn't broach the subject until I was in my seat and he was perched on my desk.  不过,直到我坐在了座位上,他坐在我的课桌上之前,他都只字未提那件事情。
As always, I was electrically aware of Edward sitting close enough to touch, as distant as if he were merely an invention of my imagination.  同往常一样,就像通了电似的,我知道爱德华就坐在伸手可及的地方,却又远得好像他只不过是我想象出来的一个人而已。