英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第49期:第五章 血型(2)(在线收听

 Disappointment flooded through me as my eyes unerringly focused on his table. 当我的目光准确地投向他的桌子时,失望吞没了我。

The other four were there, but he was absent. Had he gone home? 另外四个人都在,只有他不在那里。他已经回家了吗?
I followed the still-babbling Jessica through the line, crushed. 我跟着嘴巴一直没停过的杰西卡穿过人群,只觉整个身心都被碾碎了一样。
I'd lost my appetite—I bought nothing but a bottle of lemonade. 我完全没有了胃口——我什么吃的都没买,只要了一瓶柠檬水。
I just wanted to go sit down and sulk. 我只想快点走开坐下,独自咀嚼心中的失落。
"Edward Cullen is staring at you again," Jessica said, finally breaking through my abstraction with his name. “爱德华·卡伦又在盯着你看了。”杰西卡说着,最终打破了我对他的名字的抽象感。
"I wonder why he's sitting alone today." “我想知道他今天为什么会一个人坐。”
My head snapped up. 我猛地抬起头。
I followed her gaze to see Edward, smiling crookedly, staring at me from an empty table across the cafeteria from where he usually sat. 追随着她的目光,我看见了爱德华。他嘴角弯弯地笑着,正盯着我看。他现在坐着的那张空桌子,与他通常坐的位置分别处在自助餐厅的两头。
Once he'd caught my eye, he raised one hand and motioned with his index finger for me to join him. 他一对上我的视线,就举起一只手,用食指示意我过去和他一起坐。
As I stared in disbelief, he winked. 我不敢相信地盯着他,他只好冲我使了个眼色。
"Does he mean you?" Jessica asked with insulting astonishment in her voice. “他是在叫你吗?”杰西卡问道,声音里透着近乎无礼的惊讶。
"Maybe he needs help with his Biology homework," I muttered for her benefit. "Um, I'd better go see what he wants." “也许他需要有人帮助他做生物作业。”为了让她觉得好受点,我低声含糊地说道。“嗯,我最好过去看看他想干嘛。”
I could feel her staring after me as I walked away. 当我走过去的时候,我能感觉到她的眼睛始终盯在我的背上。
When I reached his table, I stood behind the chair across from him, unsure. 我走到他的桌子旁,不太确定地站在他对面的椅子后。
"Why don't you sit with me today?" he asked, smiling. “你今天为什么不和我一起坐呢?”他微笑着问道。