英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第51期:第五章 血型(4)(在线收听

 "You lost me again." “你又让我迷惑了。”

The breathtaking crooked smile reappeared. 那抹险些就要消失的微笑重新浮现在弯弯的嘴角上。
"I always say too much when I'm talking to you—that's one of the problems." “当我和你说话时,我说出口的永远比想要说的还多。——这实在是个问题。”
"Don't worry—I don't understand any of it," I said wryly. “不用担心——我一句都没听懂。”我挖苦道。
"I'm counting on that." “我就指望着这点呢。”
"So, in plain English, are we friends now?" “所以,用通用的英语来说的话,我们现在是朋友了吗?”
"Friends..." he mused, dubious. “朋友……”他露出不太确定的神情,若有所思地说。
"Or not," I muttered. “或者不是。”我低沉地说。
He grinned. "Well, we can try, I suppose. But I'm warning you now that I'm not a good friend for you." 他咧嘴一笑:“好吧,我们可以试试看。但我有言在先,对你来说我不会是一个很好的朋友。”
Behind his smile, the warning was real. 撇开他的笑容不说,这个警告绝对具有现实意义。
"You say that a lot," I noted, trying to ignore the sudden trembling in my stomach and keep my voice even. “你已经讲过很多遍了。”我提醒他,努力让自己的声音显得正常些,不去管胃里突如其来的一阵抽搐。
"Yes, because you're not listening to me. I'm still waiting for you to believe it. If you're smart, you'll avoid me." “是的,那是因为你总不专心听我说话。我会一直等着,直到你相信这一点为止。如果你足够聪明,你就应该躲开我。”
"I think you've made your opinion on the subject of my intellect clear, too." “我认为,你针对我的智商这个话题所发表的意见也已经重复了很多遍了。”
My eyes narrowed. He smiled apologetically. 我眯缝起眼睛。他一脸歉意地笑了笑。
"So, as long as I'm being... not smart, we'll try to be friends?" I struggled to sum up the confusing exchange. “所以,如果我……不够聪明,我们就要试着成为朋友了吗?”我奋力总结出这个令人困惑的交换条件。
"That sounds about right." “听起来,完全正确。”
I looked down at my hands wrapped around the lemonade bottle, not sure what to do now. 我低下头,看着自己交叠在柠檬水瓶上的双手,不知道现在该说些什么好。
"What are you thinking?" he asked curiously. “你在想什么?”他好奇地问道。