英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第52期:第五章 血型(5)(在线收听

 I looked up into his deep gold eyes, became befuddled, and, as usual, blurted out the truth. 我抬起头,看进他深邃的金色双眸里,立刻被迷住了。然后,像往常一样,实话脱口而出。

"I'm trying to figure out what you are." “我正在努力思考你到底是什么人。”
His jaw tightened, but he kept his smile in place with some effort. 他下巴一紧,但还是努力保持着恰如其分的微笑。
"Are you having any luck with that?" he asked in an offhand tone. “有什么进展吗?”他唐突地问道。
"Not too much," I admitted. “没什么进展。”我承认道。
He chuckled. "What are your theories?" 他轻笑着:“那你的理论依据是什么?”
I blushed. I had been vacillating during the last month between Bruce Wayne and Peter Parker. 我脸红了。这一个月来我一直在布鲁斯·维尼(蝙蝠侠)和彼得·帕克(蜘蛛侠)之间举棋不定。
There was no way I was going to own up to that. 但我实在不敢承认自己的这些念头。
"Won't you tell me?" he asked, tilting his head to one side with a shockingly tempting smile. “你不想告诉我吗?”他问道,嘴角挂着一抹太过诱人的微笑,慢慢地把头侧过我这边来。
I shook my head. "Too embarrassing." 我用力摇头:“太丢人。”
"That's really frustrating, you know," he complained. “你知道,这太让人沮丧了。”他抱怨着。
"No," I disagreed quickly, my eyes narrowing, “不。”我很快地否认了,眼睛眯缝起来。
"I can't imagine why that would be frustrating at all—just because someone refuses to tell you what they're thinking, “我完全无法想象这为什么会让人沮丧——仅仅因为某些人拒绝告诉你他们在想什么
even if all the while they're making cryptic little remarks specifically designed to keep you up at night wondering what they could possibly mean... 即便他们一直被某人所说的某些具有特别意味的只言片语困扰着,整夜不睡地揣测着某人可能暗示着……
now, why would that be frustrating?" 所以,现在,这为什么会让人沮丧呢?”
He grimaced. 他扮了个鬼脸。
"Or better," I continued, the pent-up annoyance flowing freely now, “或者更有甚者,”我继续说道,被压抑已久的怨言现在全都毫无节制地爆发出来了。
"say that person also did a wide range of bizarre things—from saving your life under impossible circumstances one day to treating you like a pariah the next, “这样说吧,某人做了一大堆异乎寻常的事——从某天在极不可能的情形下救了你的命,到紧接着就把你视如草芥
and he never explained any of that, either, even after he promised. That, also, would be very non-frustrating." 而且他还从不对这些行径作任何解释,甚至是在他承诺过以后。这些,同样地,丝毫不让人觉得沮丧。”
"You've got a bit of a temper, don't you?" “你正在气头上,对吧?”
"I don't like double standards." “我不喜欢双重标准。”
We stared at each other, unsmiling. 我们都板着脸,看着对方。
He glanced over my shoulder, and then, unexpectedly, he snickered. 他的目光越过了我的肩膀,然后,毫无预兆地,他窃笑起来。
"What?" “干嘛?”
"Your boyfriend seems to think I'm being unpleasant to you—he's debating whether or not to come break up our fight." He snickered again. “你的男朋友似乎认为我在惹你生气——他正在思考着要不要过来结束我们的争吵。”他又窃笑起来。