英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第53期:第五章 血型(6)(在线收听

 "I don't know who you're talking about," I said frostily. "But I'm sure you're wrong, anyway." “我不知道你在说什么。”我冷淡地说。“但不管怎样,我可以肯定,你是错的。”

"I'm not. I told you, most people are easy to read." “我没说错。我告诉你,大多数人都很容易读懂。”
"Except me, of course." “当然,不包括我。”
"Yes. Except for you." His mood shifted suddenly; his eyes turned brooding. "I wonder why that is." “是的。不包括你。”他的语气忽然一变,眼神转为沉思的神情。“我真想知道为什么。”
I had to look away from the intensity of his stare. 我不得不移开视线,以逃避他深邃的目光。
I concentrated on unscrewing the lid of my lemonade. I took a swig, staring at the table without seeing it. 我专心致志地把柠檬水瓶的盖子拧开,喝了一大口,然后心不在焉地盯着桌面。
"Aren't you hungry?" he asked, distracted. “你不饿吗?”他问道,试图转移我的注意力。
"No." I didn't feel like mentioning that my stomach was already full—of butterflies. “不饿。”我根本不想告诉他我饱得很——憋着一肚子的惴惴不安七上八下。
"You?" I looked at the empty table in front of him. “你呢?”我看着他面前空空如也的桌面。
"No, I'm not hungry." I didn't understand his expression—it looked like he was enjoying some private joke. “我也不饿。”我读不懂他的表情——像是他想到了某个私底下的笑话于是暗自发笑。
"Can you do me a favor?" I asked after a second of hesitation. “你能帮我个忙吗?”我迟疑了片刻,问道。
He was suddenly wary. "That depends on what you want." 他忽然小心起来:“那得看情况,得看你想要什么。”
"It's not much," I assured him. “不会太过分的。”我向他保证。
He waited, guarded but curious. 他既警惕又好奇地等待着。
"I just wondered... if you could warn me beforehand the next time you decide to ignore me for my own good. Just so I'm prepared." “我只是想知道……下次你为了我好而决定不理会我之前,能不能先给我提个醒。我好有所准备。”
I looked at the lemonade bottle as I spoke, tracing the circle of the opening with my pinkie finger. 我一边说着,一边埋头看着手里柠檬水瓶子,试验着要转多少圈才能用我的小指把瓶盖打开。
"That sounds fair." He was pressing his lips together to keep from laughing when I looked up. “听着还算合理。”我抬起头,发觉他正用力抿紧唇,以免让自己笑出来。
"Thanks." “非常感谢。”
"Then can I have one answer in return?" he demanded. “那么,作为回报我要索取一个回答咯?”他要求道。
"One." “就一个。”
"Tell me one theory." “告诉我你的一个理论。”
Whoops. "Not that one." 呜哇。“换一个。”
"You didn't qualify, you just promised one answer," he reminded me. “你没限定我不能问什么,你刚刚承诺过的,要给我一个回答。”他提醒我。