英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第54期:第五章 血型(7)(在线收听

 "And you've broken promises yourself," I reminded him back. “同样,你也违背了你的承诺。”我反将一军。

"Just one theory—I won't laugh." “就一个理论——我不会笑的。”
"Yes, you will." I was positive about that. “不,你会的。”我对此相当肯定。
He looked down, and then glanced up at me through his long black lashes, his ocher eyes scorching. 他垂下头,然后抬起眼,透过他又长又黑的睫毛盯着我。他黑金色的眼睛发出灼热的光芒。
"Please?" he breathed, leaning toward me. “好吗?”他侧向我,低语道。
I blinked, my mind going blank. Holy crow, how did he do that? 我眨了眨眼,脑子里一片空白。干得好,他是怎么做到的?
"Er, what?" I asked, dazed. “呃,什么?”我晕乎乎地问道。
"Please tell me just one little theory." His eyes still smoldered at me. “告诉我吧,就说一个小小的理论。”他的眼神依然左右着我。
"Um, well, bitten by a radioactive spider?" Was he a hypnotist, too? Or was I just a hopeless pushover? “嗯,好吧,被一只带放射性的蜘蛛咬了一口?”或许他还是个催眠师?又或者,我刚好是那种可悲的容易被摆布的家伙?
"That's not very creative," he scoffed. “这么没创意。”他讥笑地说。
"I'm sorry, that's all I've got," I said, miffed. “抱歉,我只能猜到这。”我生气地说道。
"You're not even close," he teased. “你甚至根本没沾边。”他揶揄道。
"No spiders?" “不是蜘蛛?”
"Nope." “不是。”
"And no radioactivity?" “跟放射性无关?”
"None." “毫无关系。”
"Dang," I sighed. “靠。”我叹了口气。
"Kryptonite doesn't bother me, either," he chuckled. “氪石也耐我不何。”他轻笑着。
"You're not supposed to laugh, remember?" “你说过你不会笑的,还记得吧?”
He struggled to compose his face. 他竭力绷住脸。
"I'll figure it out eventually," I warned him. “总有一天我会猜出来的。”我警告他。
"I wish you wouldn't try." He was serious again. “我希望你不要轻易尝试。”他又认真起来。
"Because...?" “因为……?”
"What if I'm not a superhero? What if I'm the bad guy?" He smiled playfully, but his eyes were impenetrable. “如果我不是一个超级英雄呢?如果我是坏人呢?”他戏谑地笑着,眼神却深不可测。
"Oh," I said, as several things he'd hinted fell suddenly into place. "I see." “哦,”我说道,仿佛他暗示着的许多事情忽然间水落石出了。“我知道了。”
"Do you?" His face was abruptly severe, as if he were afraid that he'd accidentally said too much. “真的?”他脸色陡然一沉,就好像他害怕着自己不小心又透露得太多。