英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第55期:第五章 血型(8)(在线收听

 "You're dangerous?" I guessed, my pulse quickening as I intuitively realized the truth of my own words. “你很危险?”我猜测着,然后直觉地意识到了我所说出的真相——我的脉搏不由得加快了。

He was dangerous. He'd been trying to tell me that all along. 他很危险。他自始至终都在试图告诉我这一点。
He just looked at me, eyes full of some emotion I couldn't comprehend. 他只是看着我,眼里涌动着我无法理解的情绪。
"But not bad," I whispered, shaking my head. "No, I don't believe that you're bad." “可你不是坏人。”我摇着头,低声说道。“不,我不相信你是坏人。”
"You're wrong." His voice was almost inaudible. “你错了。”他的声音低得几不可闻。
He looked down, stealing my bottle lid and then spinning it on its side between his fingers. 他垂下眼帘,侵占了我的瓶盖,在手里把玩着。瓶盖在他修长的手指之间飞快地旋转着。
I stared at him, wondering why I didn't feel afraid. 我看着他,想知道为什么我丝毫不感到害怕。
He meant what he was saying — that was obvious. 他想要表达的就是字面上的意思——这太明显了。
But I just felt anxious, on edge... and, more than anything else, fascinated. 但是,我只感到了急切的焦虑……还有,比任何感觉都要强烈的是,深深的着迷。
The same way I always felt when I was near him. 这种感觉,和每次我靠近他时所感受到的,一模一样。
The silence lasted until I noticed that the cafeteria was almost empty. 沉默一直持续着,直到我注意到自助餐厅里几近空无一人时才告一段落。
I jumped to my feet. "We're going to be late." 我跳了起来:“我们要迟到了。”
"I'm not going to class today," he said, twirling the lid so fast it was just a blur. “我今天不去上课。”他说着,瓶盖在他的指间转得飞快,快得只剩下一个模糊的轮廓。
"Why not?" “为什么不去?”
"It's healthy to ditch class now and then." He smiled up at me, but his eyes were still troubled. “偶尔翘课有益于身心健康。”他微笑着抬头看着我,但他的眼里依然很不平静。
"Well, I'm going," I told him. I was far too big a coward to risk getting caught. “好吧,那我走了。”我告诉他。我确实是个胆小鬼,所以我不敢承担万一被抓的风险。
He turned his attention back to his makeshift top. "I'll see you later, then." 他把注意力转回被他临时征用的瓶盖上:“那么,待会见。”
I hesitated, torn, but then the first bell sent me hurrying out the door — with a last glance confirming that he hadn't moved a centimeter. 我犹豫着,挣扎着,但第一声铃响逼着我冲出门外——我最后扫了他一眼,确定他还在原处,甚至连一公分都没挪动过。
As I half-ran to class, my head was spinning faster than the bottle cap. 在我一路狂奔到教室的路上,我的脑子疯狂地转动着,比那个瓶盖还快。
So few questions had been answered in comparison to how many new questions had been raised. At least the rain had stopped. 只有极少的几个问题得到了解答,而相比之下,却有更多的新问题冉冉升起。至少,雨已经停了。