英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第64期:第五章 血型(17)(在线收听

 I stood carefully, and I was still fine. He held the door for me, his smile polite but his eyes mocking. 我小心翼翼地站起来,感觉还算良好。他为我撑着门,彬彬有礼地微笑着,眼里却写着嘲弄。

I walked out into the cold, fine mist that had just begun to fall. 我走出屋外,踏入凉丝丝的雨雾里。
It felt nice — the first time I'd enjoyed the constant moisture falling out of the sky — as it washed my face clean of the sticky perspiration. 细雨刚开始下,来得正好。感觉好极了——我头一次开始欣赏这些源源不断从天而降的雨水——它们冲刷着我的脸,洗去那些粘湿的冷汗。
"Thanks," I said as he followed me out. "It's almost worth getting sick to miss Gym." “谢谢。”他紧跟着走出来,我对他说道。“可以不用上体育课,生点病也算是物有所值了。”
"Anytime." He was staring straight forward, squinting into the rain. “不用谢。”他直视着前方,眯着眼看进雨幕里。
"So are you going? This Saturday, I mean?" I was hoping he would, though it seemed unlikely.  “那么,你会来吗?我是指,这周六?”我确实希望他能来,尽管这不太可能。
I couldn't picture him loading up to carpool with the rest of the kids from school; he didn't belong in the same world. 我无法想象出他背着大包小包,和学校里别的孩子一起搭车旅行的情形。他和我们不是同一个世界的人。
But just hoping that he might gave me the first twinge of enthusiasm I'd felt for the outing. 我大概只能指望他打击一下我,让我感受到足以击溃我对这次远足的热情的第一波痛苦。
"Where are you all going, exactly?" He was still looking ahead, expressionless. “更确切些,你们要去哪里?”他还是面无表情地直视着前方。
"Down to La Push, to First Beach." I studied his face, trying to read it. His eyes seemed to narrow infinitesimally. “在拉普什那边,第一湾。”我审视着他的脸,试图读懂他的表情。他似乎眯缝起了眼睛,尽管动作极其微小。
He glanced down at me from the corner of his eye, smiling wryly. "I really don't think I was invited." 他用眼角瞥了我一眼,挖苦地一笑。“我真的不认为我受到了邀请。”
I sighed. "I just invited you." 我叹息道。“我刚刚就是在邀请你。”
"Let's you and I not push poor Mike any further this week. We don't want him to snap."  “这个星期你我就别再刺激可怜的迈克了。我们都不想让他狗急跳墙吧。”他眨巴着眼。
His eyes danced; he was enjoying the idea more than he should. 他似乎异常喜欢这个想法。
"Mike-schmike." I muttered, preoccupied by the way he'd said "you and I." I liked it more than I should. “迈克——笨蛋迈克。”我喃喃自语着,被他说“你我”时的口吻迷住了。我异常喜欢这个说法。