英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第65期:第五章 血型(18)(在线收听

 By dint of much elbow grease, I was able to get both windows in the truck almost completely rolled down.  靠着肘部脂肪的力量,我终于能够把卡车里的每扇窗子都差不多完全摇了下来。

I was one of the first ones to school; I hadn't even checked the clock in my hurry to get outside.  我是第一个到学校的。我甚至没有看一眼时钟,就急急忙忙地出门了。
I parked and headed toward the seldom-used picnic benches on the south side of the cafeteria.  我把车停好,径直走向自助餐厅南面的那些很少用到的野餐长凳。
The benches were still a little damp, so I sat on my jacket, glad to have a use for it.  那些长凳还有点潮,所以我坐在了我的夹克上,为有机会用到它而高兴着。
My homework was done — the product of a slow social life — but there were a few Trig problems I wasn't sure I had right.  我的作业已经做完了——慢节奏社交生活的产物——但还有几道三角函数题我不能肯定自己做对了。
I took out my book industriously, but halfway through rechecking the first problem I was daydreaming, watching the sunlight play on the red-barked trees.  我勤奋地拿出了书,但在检查第一道题的时候就中途停了下来,开始神游太虚,注视着在红色树皮的树顶上跃动着的阳光。
I sketched inattentively along the margins of my homework.  我一时大意,在我的家庭作业的空白处画起速写来。
After a few minutes, I suddenly realized I'd drawn five pairs of dark eyes staring out of the page at me.  几分钟以后,我才忽然注意到,自己画了五双黑色的眼睛,都在纸上盯着我看。
I scrubbed them out with the eraser. 我用橡皮擦把它们完全擦掉了。
"Bella!" I heard someone call, and it sounded like Mike. “贝拉!”我听到某人在喊我,听起来像是迈克。
I looked around to realize that the school had become populated while I'd been sitting there, absentminded.  我抬起头看四周,这才发觉在我心不在焉地坐在这里的时候,学校里已经挤满了人。
Everyone was in t-shirts, some even in shorts though the temperature couldn't be over sixty.  每个人都穿着T恤衫,有些人甚至还穿着短袖衫,尽管气温最多不超过六十华氏度。
Mike was coming toward me in khaki shorts and a striped Rugby shirt, waving. 迈克向我走过来,一路挥着手,他穿着卡其色的短袖衫,套在一件条纹橄榄球衫外。
"Hey, Mike," I called, waving back, unable to be halfhearted on a morning like this. “嗨,迈克。”我喊着,向他挥手。我不能在这样一个早晨表现得毫无兴致。
He came to sit by me, the tidy spikes of his hair shining golden in the light, his grin stretching across his face.  他走过来坐到我身旁,梳得整整齐齐的头发在阳光里闪闪发亮。
He was so delighted to see me, I couldn't help but feel gratified. 他张大嘴笑着。只是见到我就能让他这样高兴,我无法不感到满足。