英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第70期:第五章 血型(23)(在线收听

 "I'll just drag you back," he threatened, guessing my plan. “我会再把你拖回来。”他猜出了我的计划,威胁道。

I tried to maintain what dignity I could as I got into his car. 我一边努力维持着自己的尊严,一边钻进他的车里。
I wasn't very successful — I looked like a half-drowned cat and my boots squeaked. 我的努力不太成功——我看上去像一只溺水的猫,靴子吱嘎作响。
"This is completely unnecessary," I said stiffly. “这毫无必要。”我硬邦邦地说。
He didn't answer. He fiddled with the controls, turning the heater up and the music down. 他没有回答。他正忙着摆弄开关,把暖气打开,把音乐关小。
As he pulled out of the parking lot, I was preparing to give him the silent treatment — my face in full pout mode — 当他把车开出停车场的时候,我准备用沉默来款待他——我板起脸,调到不悦全开模式——
but then I recognized the music playing, and my curiosity got the better of my intentions. 但很快我认出了正在放的音乐,好奇克服了我的决心。
"Clair de Lune?" I asked, surprised. “月光?”我惊讶地问道。
"You know Debussy?" He sounded surprised, too. “你知道德彪西?”他听上去也很惊讶。
"Not well," I admitted. "My mother plays a lot of classical music around the house — I only know my favorites." “不算很了解。”我承认道。“我妈妈在家里放过不少古典音乐的曲子。——但我只知道我最喜欢的几首。”
"It's one of my favorites, too." He stared out through the rain, lost in thought. “这也是我最喜欢的曲目之一。”他盯着车外的雨幕,陷入了沉思。
I listened to the music, relaxing against the light gray leather seat. 坐在浅灰色的真皮座位上,我听着音乐,又放松了下来。
It was impossible not to respond to the familiar, soothing melody. 要对这样熟悉的,让人平静的音乐无动于衷是不可能的。
The rain blurred everything outside the window into gray and green smudges. 大雨模糊了窗外的景色,所有东西都变成了一团灰绿参杂的污渍。
I began to realize we were driving very fast; the car moved so steadily, so evenly, though, I didn't feel the speed. 我开始意识我们开得很快。但这车跑得太平稳了,太流畅了,以至于我根本没有注意到车速。
Only the town flashing by gave it away. 只有窗外一闪而过的城镇泄露了天机。
"What is your mother like?" he asked me suddenly. “你母亲是什么样的人?”他忽然问我。
I glanced over to see him studying me with curious eyes. 我看了他一眼,只见他正用好奇的眼神研究着我。
"She looks a lot like me, but she's prettier," I said. He raised his eyebrows. “她看上去和我很像,但她更漂亮些。”我说道。他挑起眉头。