英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第73期:第五章 血型(26)(在线收听

 I hesitated for a moment. "What happened to your parents?" 我迟疑了片刻:“你的父母怎么了?”

"They died many years ago." His tone was matter-of-fact. “他们很多年以前就去世了。”他用平铺直叙的口吻说道。
"I'm sorry," I mumbled. “我很抱歉。”我喃喃地说。
"I don't really remember them that clearly. Carlisle and Esme have been my parents for a long time now." “我不太记得他们了。卡莱尔和艾思梅成为我的父母已经有很长一段时间了。”
"And you love them." It wasn't a question. It was obvious in the way he spoke of them. “而且,你爱他们。”这不是一个疑问句。从他谈到他们的口吻就能看出来了。
"Yes." He smiled. "I couldn't imagine two better people." “是的。”他微笑着。“我想象不出比他们俩更好的人了。”
"You're very lucky." “你非常幸运。”
"I know I am." “我知道我很幸运。”
"And your brother and sister?" “那你的兄弟姐妹呢?”
He glanced at the clock on the dashboard. 他看了一眼仪表板上的时钟。
"My brother and sister, and Jasper and Rosalie for that matter, are going to be quite upset if they have to stand in the rain waiting for me." “如你所见,我的哥哥和妹妹,还有贾斯帕和罗莎莉将会很不高兴,如果他们得在雨里等我的话。”
"Oh, sorry, I guess you have to go." I didn't want to get out of the car. “哦,对不起。我想你得走了。”但我不想离开这辆车。
"And you probably want your truck back before Chief Swan gets home, so you don't have to tell him about the Biology incident." He grinned at me. “而且你可能会希望在史温警长到家以前拿回你的卡车,这样你就不必告诉他生物课上的小插曲了。”他向我咧嘴一笑。
"I'm sure he's already heard. There are no secrets in Forks." I sighed. “我相信他已经知道了。在福克斯没什么秘密。”我叹息道。