英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第82期:第六章 惊悚故事(8)(在线收听

 I was very cautious not to lean too far over the little ocean ponds.  我非常谨慎,尽量离这些小海池远些。

The others were fearless, leaping over the rocks, perching precariously on the edges.  别的人就大胆多了,他们纵身跳过一块块礁石,准确地落在石头边上。
I found a very stable-looking rock on the fringe of one of the largest pools and sat there cautiously,  在其中一个最大的潮汐池边上,我发现了一块看上去非常牢固的石头,便小心翼翼地坐到那里,
spellbound by the natural aquarium below me.  被我脚边的天然鱼缸迷住了。
The bouquets of brilliant anemones undulated ceaselessly in the invisible current, twisted shells scurried about the edges, obscuring the crabs within them,  一簇簇绚丽多彩的海葵在水流里永不止息地摇曳生姿,
starfish stuck motionless to the rocks and each other,  海星一动不动地粘在石头上和石缝里。
while one small black eel with white racing stripes wove through the bright green weeds, waiting for the sea to return.  一条小小的长满了白色斑纹的黑鳗鱼穿梭在绿意盎然的水草间,等着大海的归来。
I was completely absorbed, except for one small part of my mind that wondered what Edward was doing now,  我完全沉浸在其中,只剩下脑海里的一小部分还在想着爱德华现在在做什么,
and trying to imagine what he would be saying if he were here with me. 试图幻想着如果他正在这里和我一起,他会说些什么。
Finally the boys were hungry, and I got up stiffly to follow them back.  男孩们最终觉得饿了,我僵直地站起来,跟着他们回去。
I tried to keep up better this time through the woods, so naturally I fell a few times.  这次我试图在穿越林子的时候跟紧些,所以很自然地,我摔倒了好几次。
I got some shallow scrapes on my palms, and the knees of my jeans were stained green, but it could have been worse. 我的手腕上留下了一些浅浅的擦伤,我的牛仔裤的膝部被染成了绿色,但情况本可以更糟的。