英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第98期:第七章 梦魇(3)(在线收听

 I took a step forward, toward Edward. He smiled then, and his teeth were sharp, pointed. 我向着爱德华的方向,向前迈了一步。于是他微笑起来,露出尖锐锋利的牙齿。

"Trust me," he purred. “相信我。”他愉快地低声说道。
I took another step. 我又踏了一步。
The wolf launched himself across the space between me and the vampire,  匹狼让自己横亘在了我和吸血鬼之间的空地上,
fangs aiming for the jugular. 那尖牙瞄准了他的颈动脉。
"No!" I screamed, wrenching upright out of my bed. “不!”我尖叫着,猛地从床上弹起来。
My sudden movement caused the headphones to pull the CD player off the bedside table, 我的忽然移动让耳机把随身听扯下了桌子,
and it clattered to the wooden floor. 咔哒一声落到了地板上。
My light was still on, and I was sitting fully dressed on the bed, with my shoes on.  灯还开着,我和衣坐在床上,连鞋都没脱。
I glanced, disoriented, at the clock on my dresser. It was five-thirty in the morning. 我迷惑地张望着,看见了梳妆台上的时钟。现在是早上五点半。
I groaned, fell back, and rolled over onto my face, kicking off my boots.  我呻吟着,倒回床上,翻个身变成趴着的姿势,把靴子给踢掉了。
I was too uncomfortable to get anywhere near sleep, though.  但是,我太难受了,连睡觉的边缘都够不着。
I rolled back over and unbuttoned my jeans, yanking them off awkwardly as I tried to stay horizontal.  我又翻过身来,拉开牛仔裤的拉连,平躺着很不雅观地把裤子脱掉。
I could feel the braid in my hair, an uncomfortable ridge along the back of my skull.  我能感觉到我的发辫在脑袋后面拱成了一个很不舒服的小包。
I turned onto my side and ripped the rubber band out, quickly combing through the plaits with my fingers. 我转过头,把橡胶圈扯下来,用手指很快地梳了几下头发。
I pulled the pillow back over my eyes. 我把枕头拉回来,压到我的眼睛上。
It was all no use, of course.  当然,一切都毫无作用。
My subconscious had dredged up exactly the images I'd been trying so desperately to avoid.  我的潜意识把我拼命想要忘掉的画面发掘出来。
I was going to have to face them now. 现在,我不得不面对它们了。
I sat up, and my head spun for a minute as the blood flowed downward.  我坐起来,头晕目眩了一会儿,血液才开始向下涌动。
First things first, I thought to myself, happy to put it off as long as possible. 重要的事先做,我自忖着,很高兴能把这件事尽可能地往后推。
I grabbed my bathroom bag. 我抓起了我的洗漱包。
The shower didn't last nearly as long as I hoped it would, though. 但是,沐浴并没有像我所希望的那样耗时间。尽
Even taking the time to blow-dry my hair, I was soon out of things to do in the bathroom.  管花了不少时间吹干头发,我还是很快把在浴室里能做的事都做完了。
Wrapped in a towel, I crossed back to my room. 我裹上一块浴巾,走回我的房间。
I couldn't tell if Charlie was still asleep, or if he had already left.  我说不准查理是还在睡呢,还是已经出去了。
I went to look out my window, and the cruiser was gone. Fishing again. 我走到窗前看出去,发现巡逻车已经开走了。又开始钓鱼了。