英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第99期:第七章 梦魇(4)(在线收听

 I dressed slowly in my most comfy sweats and then made my bed — something I never did. 我慢慢地穿上自己最舒适的汗衫,把床铺好——我很少这样做的。

I couldn't put it off any longer. I went to my desk and switched on my old computer. 我再也不能把这事往后推了。我走到书桌前,打开了我的旧电脑。
I hated using the Internet here.  我讨厌在这里上网。
My modem was sadly outdated, my free service substandard; 我的调制解调器相当过时了,我的免费上网服务完全在标准之下。
just dialing up took so long that I decided to go get myself a bowl of cereal while I waited. 光是拨号就得花上很长一段时间,所以在等待的时候,我决定先去给自己弄一碗麦片粥。
I ate slowly, chewing each bite with care.  我吃得很慢,每一口都细细咀嚼。
When I was done, I washed the bowl and spoon, dried them, and put them away.  吃完以后,我把碗和勺子洗好,擦干,然后放回去。
My feet dragged as I climbed the stairs.  上楼时我故意磨磨蹭蹭地拖着步子走路。
I went to my CD player first, picking it up off the floor  我先走向我的随身听,把它从地上捡起来,
and placing it precisely in the center of the table.  精确地放到桌子正中央。
I pulled out the headphones, and put them away in the desk drawer.  我把耳机拔下来,放回抽屉里。
Then I turned the same CD on, turning it down to the point where it was background noise. 然后我把原来那张CD公放,把声音调低到刚刚好能成为背景音乐的那个点上。
With another sigh, I turned to my computer. 我又叹了口气,这才转向我的电脑。
Naturally, the screen was covered in pop-up ads. 自然,屏幕上全是弹窗广告。
I sat in my hard folding chair and began closing all the little windows. 我坐到我那张硬邦邦的扶手椅上,开始把所有的小窗口关掉。
Eventually I made it to my favorite search engine.  最后,我打开了我最喜欢的搜索引擎。
I shot down a few more pop-ups and then typed in one word. 我又关掉了另外几个弹窗广告,然后键入了一个词。
Vampire. 吸血鬼。 
It took an infuriatingly long time, of course.  当然,这花了简直让人气愤的相当长的时间。
When the results came up, there was a lot to sift through  当结果出来的时候,还有很多内容需要进行筛选
everything from movies and TV shows to role-playing games, 那些内容从电影电视节目到角色扮演游戏,
underground metal, and gothic cosmetic companies. 黑市金属,以及哥特妆伴游。
Then I found a promising site  然后,我发现了一个看上去比较可信的网址
Vampires A—Z. I waited impatiently for it to load, 吸血鬼A-Z。我迫不及待地等着它打开页面,
quickly clicking closed each ad that flashed across the screen. 飞快地关闭屏幕上一闪而过的每个广告。
Finally the screen was finished — simple white background with black text, academic-looking.  最后,整个屏幕都清空了——简洁的白色背景和黑色标题,看上去很有学术氛围。
Two quotes greeted me on the home page: 主页上的两段引述首先映入了我的眼帘。
Throughout the vast shadowy world of ghosts and demons there is no figure so terrible,  “自始至终,那个属于幽灵与恶魔的浩瀚的黑暗世界根本没有那么可怕,
no figure so dreaded and abhorred, yet dight with such fearful fascination,  根本没有那么令人畏惧和憎恶,只是经过了太多充满恐惧的幻想的修饰。
as the vampire, who is himself neither ghost nor demon,  正如吸血鬼,他既不属于幽灵,也不属于恶魔,
but yet who partakes the dark natures and possesses the mysterious and terrible qualities of both.  但还是带着几份着黑暗的本质,兼有着那两者的神秘与恐怖的特质。
Rev. Montague Summers 蒙塔古·萨默斯”