英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第103期:第七章 梦魇(8)(在线收听

 I followed the trail as long as my anger at myself pushed me forward.  我的怒气推着我往前走,于是我一直沿着小路走去。

As that started to ebb, I slowed.  直到愤怒开始褪去,我才放慢了脚步。
A few drops of moisture trickled down from the canopy above me,  点点水滴从我头顶上的天穹潺潺而下,
but I couldn't be certain if it was beginning to rain or if it was simply pools left over from yesterday,  但我不能肯定是开始下雨了,还是纯粹是昨天雨后留在我头上高处的树叶丛中的积水,
held high in the leaves above me, slowly dripping their way back to the earth.  正在慢慢地滴落下来,完成它们归于尘土的旅程。
A recently fallen tree .I knew it was recent because it wasn't entirely carpeted in moss  一棵新倒伏下来的大树。我认为它很新是因为它还没有完全被苔藓覆盖住
rested against the trunk of one of her sisters,  斜倚在她的姐妹们的树干上,
creating a sheltered little bench just a few safe feet off the trail.  形成了一个掩蔽的小长椅,离小径只有安全的几英尺高。
I stepped over the ferns and sat carefully,  我踩过一片蕨类植物,小心地坐下来,
making sure my jacket was between the damp seat and my clothes wherever they touched,  确保我的夹克隔在了那个潮湿的座椅和相应的衣服之间。
and leaned my hooded head back against the living tree. 然后,我把戴着兜帽的头靠在那棵活着的树上。
This was the wrong place to have come.  我来错地方了,
I should have known, but where else was there to go?  我应该早就知道的,但我还能去哪里呢?
The forest was deep green and far too much like the scene in last night's dream to allow for peace of mind.  这个森林如此苍翠,太像昨晚的梦境了,我没法让自己的心绪保持宁静。
Now that there was no longer the sound of my soggy footsteps, the silence was piercing.  既然这里已经不会再有我沉闷的脚步声了,这片沉寂就更加显得讽刺。
The birds were quiet, too, the drops increasing in frequency, so it must be raining above.  鸟儿也安静下来了。滴水逐渐变得频繁起来,所以森林上空一定在下雨。
The ferns stood higher than my head, now that I was seated,  那片蕨类植物高得比我还高,因为我是坐着的,
and I knew someone could walk by on the path, three feet away, and not see me. 所以我知道即使有人从三英尺外的小径上经过,也不会看见我的。
Here in the trees it was much easier to believe the absurdities that embarrassed me indoors.  在这片树林里,更容易相信那些让我在室内尴尬的关于吸血鬼的谬论。
Nothing had changed in this forest for thousands of years,  这片森林里的一切数千年来未曾改变,
and all the myths and legends of a hundred different lands seemed much more likely in this green haze  关于吸血鬼的神话与传奇散布在一百多个不同的地点,而他们似乎更有可能发生在这片绿荫里,
than they had in my clear-cut bedroom. 而不是在我的印象深刻的卧室里。