英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第117期:第八章 天使港(2)(在线收听

 "Why not?" Jessica demanded. “为什么不出去呢?”杰西卡盘问道。

"No one asked me," I answered honestly. “没人邀请我。”我如实答道。
She looked skeptical. "People ask you out here," she reminded me, "and you tell them no." 她看上去仍在怀疑。“这里有人邀请你出去,”她提醒我,“可你都对他们说不。”
We were in the juniors' section now, scanning the racks for dress-up clothes. 我们正在青春时尚区,细看着一排排派对服饰。
"Well, except for Tyler," Angela amended quietly. “嗯,除了泰勒。”安吉拉默默地更正道。
"Excuse me?" I gasped. "What did you say?" “不好意思,”我喘着气说道。“你在说什么?”
"Tyler told everyone he's taking you to prom," Jessica informed me with suspicious eyes. “泰勒告诉每一个人他将会和你一起去正式舞会。”杰西卡用怀疑的眼神告诉我。
"He said what?" I sounded like I was choking. “他说什么?”我的声音听起来像是要窒息了。
"I told you it wasn't true," Angela murmured to Jessica. “我告诉过你那不是真的。”安吉拉对杰西卡低声抱怨道
I was silent, still lost in shock that was quickly turning to irritation. 我沉默着,依然沉浸在打击之中,然后很快变成了愤怒。
But we had found the dress racks, and now we had work to do. 但我们已经找到衣架了,现在我们有活干了。
"That's why Lauren doesn't like you," Jessica giggled while we pawed through the clothes. “这就是为什么劳伦不喜欢你。”当我们翻拣着衣服的时候,杰西卡咯咯地笑着对我说。
I ground my teeth. "Do you think that if I ran him over with my truck he would stop feeling guilty about the accident? 我把牙咬得咯咯直响。“你觉得,要是我开着我的卡车从他身上碾过去,他会不会不再对对那次事故感到内疚?
That he might give up on making amends and call it even?" 他会不会放弃弥补他的过错甚至回过头来要求我补偿他?”
"Maybe," Jess snickered. '"If that's why he's doing this." “也许吧。”杰西窃笑着说。“也许这就是他这样做的原因。”
The dress selection wasn't large, but both of them found a few things to try on. 这里的裙子不算很多,但她们两个都找到了不少值得试穿的衣服。
I sat on a low chair just inside the dressing room, by the three-way mirror, trying to control my fuming. 我坐在更衣室里的一张矮脚凳上,靠着那块三面镜,试图控制自己七窍生烟的愤怒。