英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第149期:第九章 理论(13)(在线收听

 "I'm sorry." His voice burned with regret. “我很抱歉。”他的声音被懊悔灼烧着。

I knew he wasn't just apologizing for the words that had upset me. 我知道,他不只是在为刺痛了我的那些话道歉。
The darkness slipped by us in silence. 黑暗在沉默中从我们中间飞掠而过。
"Tell me something," he asked after another minute, and I could hear him struggle to use a lighter tone. “和我说说话。”又过了一分钟,他要求道。我能听出来,他竭力让自己的语气更轻柔些。
"Yes?" “说什么?”
"What were you thinking tonight, just before I came around the corner? “今天晚上,在我转过拐角以前,你在想什么?
I couldn't understand your expression you didn't look that scared, you looked like you were concentrating very hard on something." 我不明白你的表情,你看上去并不那么害怕,看起来就像是在聚精会神地想着某件事。”
"I was trying to remember how to incapacitate an attacker—you know, self-defense. I was going to smash his nose into his brain." “我在努力回想着要怎样挫败攻击我的人——你知道,防身术。我本来打算猛击他的鼻子,把它打进他的脑袋里的。”
I thought of the dark-haired man with a surge of hate. 我想起了那个黑发男人,不由得一阵厌恶。
"You were going to fight them?" This upset him. "Didn't you think about running?" “你打算反抗他们?”这让他不安起来。“你没想过逃跑吗?”
"I fall down a lot when I run," I admitted. “我跑步的时候老是摔倒。”我坦白道。
"What about screaming for help?" “那为什么不大声求救呢?”
"I was getting to that part." “我正要那样做。”
He shook his head. "You were right—I'm definitely fighting fate trying to keep you alive." 他摇了摇头。“你是对的——我确实是在和命运抗争,努力让你活下来。”
I sighed. 我叹了口气。
We were slowing, passing into the boundaries of Forks. 我们开始减速了,穿过了福克斯的边界。
It had taken less than twenty minutes. 总共才花了不到二十分钟的时间。
"Will I see you tomorrow?" I demanded. “我明天能见到你吗?”我请求道。
"Yes—I have a paper due, too." He smiled. "I'll save you a seat at lunch." “能——我也有一篇论文到期要交。”他微笑着。“午餐的时候我会给你留个座位的。”
It was silly, after everything we'd been through tonight, how that little promise sent flutters through my stomach, and made me unable to speak. 这太愚蠢了。在我们经历了今晚的每一件事以后,这个小小的承诺居然能让我如此忐忑不安,让我说不出话来。