英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第154期:第十章 审问(2)(在线收听

 "Yes, thank you," I said, trying to keep my voice calm. “是的,谢谢。”我说道,试图让自己的声音保持镇静。

As I stepped into the warm car, I noticed his tan jacket was slung over the headrest of the passenger seat. 当我钻进温暖的车里时,我注意到他那件棕褐色的夹克正搭在乘客座的靠背上。
The door closed behind me, and, sooner than should be possible, he was sitting next to me, starting the car. 我身后的门被关上了,然后,在短得几乎不可能的时间里,他坐到了我旁边,发动了车子。
"I brought the jacket for you. I didn't want you to get sick or something." His voice was guarded. “我带了这件夹克给你,我不希望你生病或者怎么样。”他的声音警惕着。
I noticed that he wore no jacket himself, just a light gray knit V-neck shirt with long sleeves. 我注意到他自己并没有穿着夹克,只穿了一件浅灰色的V领长袖恤衫。
Again, the fabric clung to his perfectly muscled chest. 和上次一样,布料紧紧地贴着他完美的,肌肉结实的胸膛。
It was a colossal tribute to his face that it kept my eyes away from his body. 他的脸为我能把视线从他身体上移开作出了巨大贡献。
"I'm not quite that delicate," I said, “我没那么柔弱。”我说道,
but I pulled the jacket onto my lap, pushing my arms through the too-long sleeves, 但还是把那件夹克拉到了膝上,把胳膊伸进对我来说太长的袖子里,
curious to see if the scent could possibly be as good as I remembered. It was better. 好奇地想要知道那股香味是不是真的和我记忆中的一样美好。有过之而无不及。
"Aren't you?" he contradicted in a voice so low I wasn't sure if he meant for me to hear. “真的?”他反驳的声音太低了,我不能确定他是不是说给我听的。
We drove through the fog-shrouded streets, always too fast, feeling awkward. 我们开着车穿过覆满浓雾的街道,但总是开得太快,
I was, at least. Last night all the walls were down... almost all. 至少,让我感到很不自在。昨天晚上,所有的隔阂都消失了……几乎是全部。
I didn't know if we were still being as candid today. 我不知道今天我们还能不能这样坦诚相待。
It left me tongue-tied. I waited for him to speak. 这个想法让我舌头打结。我等着他先开口。
He turned to smirk at me. "What, no twenty questions today?" 他转过头来,向我坏笑着。“怎么,今天没有二十个问题了吗?”
"Do my questions bother you?" I asked, relieved. “我的问题让你困扰了吗?”我如释重负地问道。
"Not as much as your reactions do." He looked like he was joking, but I couldn't be sure. “没有你的反应带来的多。”他看上去像是在开玩笑,但我不敢肯定。
I frowned. "Do I react badly?" 我皱起眉:“我的反应有那么糟吗?”