英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第158期:第十章 审问(6)(在线收听

 The fog had almost dissolved by the end of the second hour, but the day was still dark with low, oppressing clouds. 第二堂课结束的时候,雾已经散得差不多了,但天空依然阴沉沉的,云层低低地压在天边。

I smiled up at the sky. 我微笑地看着天空。
Edward was right, of course. 当然,爱德华是对的。
When I walked into Trig Jessica was sitting in the back row, nearly bouncing off her seat in agitation. 当我走进三角函数教室的时候,杰西卡正坐在最后一排,兴奋得几乎要从座位上跳起来了。
I reluctantly went to sit by her, trying to convince myself it would be better to get it over with as soon as possible. 我勉强走过去坐到她旁边,努力说服自己该来的总是要来的,不如让它早些了结。
"Tell me everything!" she commanded before I was in the seat. “告诉我每件事!”我还没坐下来,她就命令道。
"What do you want to know?" I hedged. “你想知道什么?”我不想正面回答她。
"What happened last night?" “昨晚发生了什么事?”
"He bought me dinner, and then he drove me home." “他带我去吃晚餐,然后他开车送我回家。”
She glared at me, her expression stiff with skepticism. "How did you get home so fast?" 她瞪着我,板起的脸上写满了怀疑。“你怎么会那么快到家呢?”
"He drives like a maniac. It was terrifying." I hoped he heard that. “他开起车来像个疯子。那太吓人了。”我希望他能听到这句话。
"Was it like a date—did you tell him to meet you there?" “那像是个约会——你告诉他在那里和你见面吗?”
I hadn't thought of that. "No—I was very surprised to see him there." 我完全没有想到这一点。“不——看到他时我吓了一跳。”
Her lips puckered in disappointment at the transparent honesty in my voice. 她撅起嘴,对我话里再明白不过的坦诚很是失望。
"But he picked you up for school today?" she probed. “可他今天去接你来上学了?”她试探着。
"Yes—that was a surprise, too. He noticed I didn't have a jacket last night," I explained. “是的——那也很让人意外。他注意到我昨晚没穿夹克。”我解释道。
"So are you going out again?" “那么你们会再一起出去吗?”
"He offered to drive me to Seattle Saturday because he thinks toy truck isn't up to it—does that count?" “他主动提出载我去西雅图,因为他觉得那玩意儿,就是我那辆卡车,没法撑到那里——这算吗?”
"Yes." She nodded. “算。”她点点头。
"Well, then, yes." “嗯,那,是的。”
"W-o-w." She exaggerated the word into three syllables. "Edward Cullen." “呜-哇-哦。”她夸张地把这个词拖成三个音节。“爱德华·卡伦。”