英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第164期:第十章 审问(12)(在线收听

 It was too easy to get wrapped up in our own private, tense little bubble. 我们太容易陷入我们两人私有的世界里,这是紧绷的气氛带来的少许幻觉。

"Do you truly believe that you care more for me than I do for you?" he murmured, leaning closer to me as he spoke, his dark golden eyes piercing. “你真的相信,你对我的喜欢比我对你的还要多吗?”他低声说着,说话间他向我靠得更近了,他黑金色的眼眸极具穿透力。
I tried to remember how to exhale. I had to look away before it came back to me. 我努力想要回想起如何呼吸。我不得不看向别处,直到我重又开始呼吸为止。
"You're doing it again," I muttered. “你又来了。”我低声抱怨道。
His eyes opened wide with surprise. "What?" 他的眼睛因为惊讶而睁大了。“什么?”
"Dazzling me," I admitted, trying to concentrate as I looked back at him. “把我迷得晕头转向。”我坦白道。当我再次看向他时,我努力让自己集中精神。
"Oh." He frowned. “哦。”他皱起眉。
"It's not your fault," I sighed. "You can't help it." “这不是你的错。”我叹息道。“你没法控制这个。”
"Are you going to answer the question?" “你打算回答我的问题了吗?”
I looked down. "Yes." 我低下头。“是的。”
"Yes, you are going to answer, or yes, you really think that?" He was irritated again. “是的,你正准备回答,或者是的,你确实是这样认为的?”他再次烦躁起来。
"Yes, I really think that." I kept my eyes down on the table, my eyes tracing the pattern of the faux wood grains printed on the laminate. “是的,我确实这样认为。”我继续低头看着桌面,我的目光描摹着喷绘在三合板上的人造木纹的图案。
The silence dragged on. I stubbornly refused to be the first to break it this time, fighting hard against the temptation to peek at his expression. 沉默仍在延续着。这次我固执地拒绝成为第一个打破沉默的人,艰难地与偷瞄他的神情的诱或斗争着。
Finally he spoke, voice velvet soft. "You're wrong." 最终,他说话了,声音像天鹅绒一样柔软:“你错了。”
I glanced up to see that his eyes were gentle. 我抬起头,看见了他温柔的眼眸。
"You can't know that," I disagreed in a whisper. “你不会知道那种事的。”我耳语着,不同意他的观点。
I shook my head in doubt, though my heart throbbed at his words and I wanted so badly to believe them. 我怀疑着摇了摇头,尽管我的心为他的话悸动着,我是那么的想要相信他的话。
"What makes you think so?" His liquid topaz eyes were penetrating—trying futilely, I assumed, to lift the truth straight from my mind. “是什么让你这样想的?”他清澈如黄水晶般的眼眸十分锐利——我认为,是在徒劳地尝试着,直接从我的心里挖出真相。