【大家说英语】 第149期:聊什么话题(在线收听

 Lesson 4 Small Talk 第四课 闲聊

April 8 4月8日
What Can I Talk About? 聊什么话题?
Read it! 读读看!
Lucky Taylor gets to interview the governor. 幸运的泰乐得以访问州长,
Taylor will ask her about education. 泰乐将会问她教育方面的议题。
Taylor will also go to a party for the governor. 泰乐也会参加一场为州长举办的派对,
But Taylor is not good at making small talk. 可是泰乐不善于聊天。
She can talk about the weather. 她可以聊天气,
What other topics can she talk about? 她还可以聊哪些话题?
Abby helps her. 雅碧帮助她,
She also tells her to look for friendly people to talk to. 并且告诉她可以找友善的对象聊天。
Conversation A 会话A
Abby, did you hear the news? 雅碧,妳有没有听到消息?
What news, Taylor? 泰乐,什么消息呀?
The governor is coming to town on April 21! 州长在四月二十一日要到城里来!
That's great! 那太好了!
She's a good governor. Everyone likes her. 她是位很好的州长, 大家都喜欢她。
And I get to interview her. 我还能访问她呢。
Lucky you! 妳真幸运!
What will you interview her about? 妳要访问她什么议题?
I'll ask her about her ideas to improve education. 我会问她对于改善教育有什么想法。
Good idea. People are interested in that. 好主意, 这是民众感兴趣的议题。
Conversation B 会话B
But I'm worried about one thing. 可是我担心一件事。
What's that? 什么事?
There is a party for the governor on Tuesday evening. 星期二晚上有一场为州长举办的派对,
I'm invited. But I won't know anyone there. 我获得了邀请, 可是我在派对上什么人都不认识。
So? Just make conversation with people. 那又怎么样?找人交谈就好了啊。
How? I'm not very good at small talk. 怎么交谈?我不是很擅长聊天。
I can never think of anything to talk about but the weather. 除了天气之外,我总是想不出有什么话题可以聊。
That's a good topic. 那是个不错的话题啊。
But it gets boring really fast. 可是很快就会让人觉得无聊了。
Conversation C 会话C
You need to plan ahead. 妳需要事先规划,
Make a list of some topics to talk about. 列出一些可以谈论的话题。
Like what? 例如什么?
Well, first, always tell people your name. 这个嘛,首先一定要向别人介绍妳自己的名字,
Then ask, "Where are you from?" 请问你是哪里人?
Then you can talk about their city. 这样妳就可以聊对方的城市。
That's a good idea. 这主意不错。
Who should I talk to? 我该找什么人聊?
When you walk into a room, look for friendly people. 妳走进一个房间的时候,记得找看起来友善的人。
OK. I can look for friendly faces. 好,我可以找些友善的脸庞。