【大家说英语】 第161期:成绩单(在线收听

 Lesson 11 Talk About It 第十一课 主题讨论

April 24 4月24日
The Report Card 成绩单
Sarah didn't have a lot of books. 莎拉的背包里没有很多书,
But her backpack still felt very heavy. 可是她感觉起来还是很重。
The pressure came from just one piece of paper ─ her report card. 她的压力只来自一张纸──她的成绩单。
She didn't want to look at it, but she was almost home. 她不想看那张成绩单,可是她已经快到家了。
Sarah couldn't wait any longer. 莎拉等不下去了,
She stopped, took the paper out of her backpack, and opened it. 她停下脚步,从背包里拿出那张纸,掀了开来。
It was bad, bad news. 真是很糟糕的坏消息。
Sarah's grades were not good at all. 莎拉的成绩一点都不好。
She was usually a great student, but she became lazy as a senior. 她平常是个很用功的好学生,但她升上高年级之后却变懒了。
She spent a lot of time online instead of studying for tests. 她花许多时间上网,没有为了准备考试而读书;
She did her homework quickly, so she could go out with her friends. 她都很快把功课做完,以便和朋友出去玩。
And now she had bad grades! 现在,她拿到了很差的成绩!
Her parents would ask, "What happened?" 她的父母一定会问:"发生了什么事?"
Sarah would feel terrible. 莎拉一定会觉得很不好过。
But maybe her parents didn't have to know. 可是,说不定她的父母没有必要知道。
She always did well at school. 她的学校课业成绩总是很好。
If she didn't show them the report card, they wouldn't find out! 如果她不把成绩单拿给他们看,他们也不会发现!
But if her parents asked, could she lie to them? 可是她父母要是问了起来,她能够对他们撒谎吗?
And could she improve her grades by the end of the year? 还有,她能够在学年结束前改善成绩吗?
Sarah was still thinking when she came to her front door. 莎拉想着想着,就已经走到了家门口。
What would you do? 如果是你,你会怎么做?