【大家说英语】 第180期:夏日造型(在线收听

 Lesson 13 Fashion 第十三课 时尚

May 28 5月28日
Summer Styles 夏日造型
Read it! 读读看!
Susie and Abby are excited about summer! 苏希和雅碧对于夏天即将来临深感兴奋!
They like to wear light clothes. 她们喜欢穿轻便的衣服。
But Taylor is not prepared for hot weather. 不过,泰乐还没准备好迎接大热天。
She needs more T-shirts, shorts and sandals. 她需要更多的T恤、短裤和凉鞋。
What can she do? 她该怎么办?
Abby, Susie and Taylor can go shopping. 雅碧、苏希和泰乐可以一起去购物。
Abby saw some cute skirts at the mall. 雅碧在购物中心看到了一些漂亮的裙子。
Taylor can put away her winter clothes and get ready for summer! 泰乐可以把冬季服装收起来,准备迎接夏天!
Conversation A 会话A
Summer is here! I love hot weather! 夏天来了!我爱大热天!
Me, too! I can't wait to go to the beach. 我也是!我等不及要去海滩玩了。
Is it very hot here in the summer? 这里夏天很热吗?
Yes. But you can wear something cool. 很热,可是妳能够穿凉爽的衣服。
Something cool? You mean light clothes? 凉爽的衣服?妳是说轻便的衣服吗?
Yes! Heavy clothes are hot. 没错!厚重的衣服太热了,
Light clothes can help you feel cool. 轻便的衣服可以让妳觉得凉爽。
Conversation B 会话B
You're right. I like to feel cool. 妳说得对, 我喜欢凉爽的感觉,
So I wear T-shirts and shorts a lot. 所以我常穿T恤和短裤。
I agree. They feel really comfortable. 我同意, 这种衣服穿起来很舒服。
And I wear sandals, too. Then my feet stay cool! 我还会穿凉鞋, 这样我的脚就可以很凉爽!
Sandals are great in summer. 在夏天穿凉鞋很棒,
But I have a problem. 可是我有个问题。
What's wrong? 怎么啦?
I don't have sandals. And I don't have many summer clothes, either. 我没有凉鞋, 而且我的夏季服装也不多。
Then you need some! 那妳就需要准备一些呀!
Conversation C 会话C
I need to prepare for summer weather. 我需要为夏季的天气做准备。
Do you want to go shopping together? 妳要一起去逛街吗?
Good idea! Let's go to the mall Saturday afternoon. 好主意!我们星期六下午一起去购物中心吧。
I saw some cute summer skirts at the mall. 我在购物中心看到了几件漂亮的夏季裙子,
Shorts and T-shirts are really cheap there, too! 那里的短裤和T恤也非常便宜!
I can put away my winter clothes. 我可以把冬季服装收起来。
And make room for new summer clothes! 然后腾出空间给新的夏季服装!