【大家说英语】 第181期:夏日造型(2)(在线收听

 May 29 5月29日

Read it! 读读看!
Jim didn't wear sandals to the beach! He wants to protect his feet. 吉姆没有穿凉鞋到海滩上!他想保护自己的脚。
Rob tells him to take his shoes off and enjoy the sand. 罗柏叫他把鞋子脱下来,享受舒服的海沙。
Alex's summer clothes have so many wrinkles! 亚力克斯的夏季服装很皱!
Taylor says his clothes don't match. 泰乐说他的衣服上下不搭,
They have different patterns. 因为衣服上有着不一样的图案。
Abby and Susie had fun shopping! 雅碧和苏希去购物,买得很开心!
Every season has a new style. 每个季节都有新的款式,
But Susie and Abby just want to be comfortable! 可是苏希和雅碧只想穿得舒服!
Conversation A 会话A
What a great day for the beach! 今天真是个适合到海滩来的好天气!
It is. Where are your sandals? 没错。你的凉鞋呢?
I didn't bring them. I don't like sandals. 我没有带凉鞋, 我不喜欢穿凉鞋。
But you'll get sand in your shoes. 可是沙子会跑进你的鞋子里。
Well, I want to protect my feet. 这个嘛,我想保护我的脚。
Why? You're at the beach. 为什么?你在海滩上啊,
You should enjoy the soft sand. 你应该享受柔软的沙子。
OK ... I can take these shoes off and go barefoot. 好吧…我可以脱掉鞋子打赤脚。
Great! Then let's go swimming! 太棒了!那我们去游泳吧!
Conversation B 会话B
Alex! What are you wearing? 亚力克斯!你穿什么呀?
Summer clothes. Why? 夏天的衣服啊,怎么了?
You can't walk around like that! 你不能穿着这样的衣服走来走去!
Your clothes have wrinkles all over them. 你的衣服皱巴巴的。
Yeah ... I just unpacked them. 是啊…我才刚把这些衣服从箱子里拿出来,
No one will notice the wrinkles. 没有人会注意到衣服上的皱褶。
I do! And your clothes don't match, either! 我就注意到啦!而且你的衣服也不搭!
They don't? 没有吗?
Your shorts and your T-shirt have different patterns on them. 你的短裤和T恤上的图案不一样。
What's wrong with that? 这样有什么不行?
Conversation C 会话C
Thanks for shopping with us, Susie. It was fun! 谢谢妳和我们一起去逛街购物,苏希, 真是好玩!
Yeah, it was. Taylor was so happy that she found some good summer sales! 是啊。泰乐好开心自己找到那些划算的夏季拍卖!
Every season has a new style. 每个季节都有新款式,
This summer's style is different from last summer's style. 今年夏天的款式也和去年夏天不一样。
I know. People always want to buy the new style. 是啊, 大家总是想要买新款式。
I don't worry about that. 这我倒是不在乎。
I don't, either. I just want to be comfortable! 我也是, 我只想穿得舒服就好!