英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第183期:第十一章 复杂(16)(在线收听

 "Certainly not!" His face was teasingly outraged. "I told you I wasn't done, didn't I?" “当然不是。”他脸上写满了恼人的愤愤不平。“我告诉过你我还没问完,不是吗?”

"What more is there?" “还有什么?”
"You'll find out tomorrow." He reached across to open my door for me, and his sudden proximity sent my heart into frenzied palpitations. “明天你就知道了。”他伸出手要替我开门,而他的突然接近让我的心陷入了疯狂的悸动。
But his hand froze on the handle. 但是他的手却在把手上停住了。
"Not good," he muttered. “这可不太好。”他喃喃自语道。
"What is it?" I was surprised to see that his jaw was clenched, his eyes disturbed. “那是什么?”我惊讶地看到,他的下巴绷紧了,眼里写满了困扰。
He glanced at me for a brief second. "Another complication," he said glumly. 他只看了我短短的一秒钟。“另一个复杂的情形。”他闷闷不乐地说道。
He flung the door open in one swift movement, and then moved, almost cringed, swiftly away from me. 他动作迅速地把门推开,然后移开身子,几乎是退缩着,飞快地远离我。
The flash of headlights through the rain caught my attention as a dark car pulled up to the curb just a few feet away, facing us. 汽车前灯的光穿透过雨幕吸引了我的注意,一辆黑色的车子向着我们开过来,只有几英尺远了。
"Charlie's around the corner," he warned, staring through the downpour at the other vehicle. “查理就要来了。”他警告道,透过倾盆大雨注视着那辆车。
I hopped out at once, despite my confusion and curiosity. The rain was louder as it glanced off my jacket. 我立刻跳下车,无暇顾及自己的混乱和好奇。雨水掠过我的夹克,声音愈发响亮了。
I tried to make out the shapes in the front seat of the other car, but it was too dark. 我试图认出坐在那辆车的前座里的人,但天太黑了。
I could see Edward illuminated in the glare of the new car's headlights; 我看见爱德华被那辆新来的车的前灯怒视着,全身都被照亮了。
he was still staring ahead, his gaze locked on something or someone I couldn't see. 他依然注视着前方,他的目光紧锁在我看不见的某物或某人上。
His expression was a strange mix of frustration and defiance. 他的神情非常古怪,混合着挫败与挑衅。
Then he revved the engine, and the tires squealed against the wet pavement. 然后他发动了引擎,轮胎蹭着潮湿的公路发出尖锐的声音。
The Volvo was out of sight in seconds. 几秒种后那辆沃尔沃就看不见了。