英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第188期:第十一章 复杂(17)(在线收听

 "Hey, Bella," called a familiar, husky voice from the driver's side of the little black car. “嘿,贝拉。”一个熟悉的,沙哑的声音从那辆黑色的小车里的驾驶座上传出来。

"Jacob?" I asked, squinting through the rain. “雅克布?”我问道,眯着眼透过雨幕看去。
Just then, Charlie's cruiser swung around the corner, his lights shining on the occupants of the car in front of me. 就在这时,查理的巡逻车开过了拐角,他的车灯照亮了我面前那辆车里的人。
Jacob was already climbing out, his wide grin visible even through the darkness. 雅克布正要爬出来,他的咧嘴大笑即使在黑暗中也清晰可见。
In the passenger seat was a much older man, a heavyset man with a memorable face— 坐在乘客座上的是一个更老一些的男人,体格健壮,有一张令人难忘的脸——
a face that overflowed, the cheeks resting against his shoulders, with creases running through the russet skin like an old leather jacket. 一张太过宽大的脸,脸颊紧贴着他的肩膀,黄褐色的皮肤上千沟万壑,像一件古旧的皮夹克。
And the surprisingly familiar eyes, black eyes that seemed at the same time both too young and too ancient for the broad face they were set in. 而那双熟悉得惊人的眼睛,那双黑眼睛安放在这张大脸上,在显得太过年轻的同时,又显得太过沧桑了。
Jacob's father, Billy Black. 雅克布的爸爸,比利·布莱克。
I knew him immediately, though in the more than five years since I'd seen him last I'd managed to forget his name when Charlie had spoken of him my first day here. 我立刻认出了他,尽管我上一次见到他是五年多以前的事了。我第一天来这里,查理向我提起他的时候,我甚至已经忘了他的名字。
He was staring at me, scrutinizing my face, so I smiled tentatively at him. 他注视着我,仔细审视着我的脸,所以我试探性地向他笑了笑。
His eyes were wide, as if in shock or fear, his nostrils flared. My smile faded. 他的眼睛睁大了,不知道是出于惊讶还是出于害怕,他的鼻孔张大了。我的笑容立刻消失了。
Another complication, Edward had said. 另一个复杂的情形,爱德华说过。
Billy still stared at me with intense, anxious eyes. 比利依然用紧张焦虑的眼神注视着我。
I groaned internally. Had Billy recognized Edward so easily? 我在心里叹息着。比利这么快就认出爱德华来了吗?
Could he really believe the impossible legends his son had scoffed at? 他真的相信他儿子嘲笑过的那些不可能的传说吗?
The answer was clear in Billy's eyes. Yes. Yes, he could. 答案清晰地写在比利眼中。是的,是的,他相信。